Who hates their Job??

I love my Job. But I work in the Entertainment Industry.

And as far as having to deal with people. People are easy

Trying Dealing with Phil the lead singer from pantera when your his monitor engineer and no matter what you do its never loud enough.

And I thought my dad was scary.

Anyways Raff.

Best advice I can give you is you can do anything you want in this world, but the trick is you really have to want to do it. Cause its gonna take alot of hard work, and double shifts, and dealing with assholes but eventually you get there.

It took me 7 years to get a job that I really love going to everyday.
Ricky Cash said:
what you do now sell drugs, i think thats what im about to start doing, im mean everyone else is doin it

nahh man, i try to keep things legal and legit

and if i did, id probably smoke my own product lol
DrumFunKen said:
I love my Job. But I work in the Entertainment Industry.

And as far as having to deal with people. People are easy

Trying Dealing with Phil the lead singer from pantera when your his monitor engineer and no matter what you do its never loud enough.

And I thought my dad was scary.

Anyways Raff.

Best advice I can give you is you can do anything you want in this world, but the trick is you really have to want to do it. Cause its gonna take alot of hard work, and double shifts, and dealing with assholes but eventually you get there.

It took me 7 years to get a job that I really love going to everyday.

Thanks for the kind words Rob, but the point that im trying to get across i guess is I know what i want in life...I have it, but i can't chase after it 110% if im stuck with the family business 6 days a week....If i had time everyday i would be chasing after making Aero K nationwide....taking trips overseas, making business connections, dealing with sponsers, etc...

I am just stuck in a shit hole everyday for the past 2 years without any movement, I have tried everything in my power to get AK off its feet and im not going to lie, we have done well....i just think Aero K deserves more time and dedication for it to support myself, my business parteners, and employees and customers as well....

Hope this summed it up a bit!

slidewayz240sx said:
your father fired you? Haha thats awesome...

Im going to respond for my brother, he got fired by AT&T not our father
damn. that sucks man, you need to find someone to replace you, train them so that your dad doenst get pissed off and then you can concentrate on your own thing! Aero K already has a nice head start, known widely, sponsored, good drivers and well supported by SFL. its got future!

i love my job though...sorry. I work for a fuel cell company doing a lot of electronics, CAD (like 50% of the time) and get to play with houndred-thausand dollar equipment...infact, its too bad that 17credits at fau only let me work 3 days a week otherwise i'd be out of my damn house!! :mad:
i feel you raffi. I work almost 40 hours a week at Staples from 8-4 almost every day, then school 3 days a week from 5-8, then home to sleep to wake up at 6 again for work since i have to get the bus with no car. Oh, and I'm doing webdesign and pc repairs on the side for x-tra $...then i got my mom bitching at me about stupid shit, and the g/f who needs attention too...

but once i get my car, degree, and am out on my own, it'll be worth it!

at least you got a kinda chill job, and your not running around all day. you got time to plan stuff out, research, etc. i sometimes wish i didn have to run around all day doing stuff.
Is it bad to say I love my 2 jobs? :eek:

But then again I have worked for companies that I have just told them to f-off.
I like this thread...we should sticky this just so everyone can relieve some tension due to work....

Today is Tuesday and i don;t feel as shitty as i did yesterday....

JDM_Of_Miami said:
Well I guess hump day should be your best day hahaahahaha :bigthumbu

haha i didn't know today was hump day?? you sure about this?? don't get me even more excited for it to be a tuesday!!!

raffi my point to you is even though right now your stuck in some shitty job. You are doing what I call Paying your Dues. You pay your dues and then the good stuff happens to you.

Just hang in there, good things will come.
DrumFunKen said:
raffi my point to you is even though right now your stuck in some shitty job. You are doing what I call Paying your Dues. You pay your dues and then the good stuff happens to you.

Just hang in there, good things will come.

Thanks again Rob..... :)
ya, for thoes who dont know i work for wachovia bank in boca raton with old fucking people all day m-f 730-6 then spoolupracing is 24hr and fri and sat nights i work at a comedy club..overall i work a good 60-65hrs a week... I would love to be at the shop all day long and just sell parts, but that has not happend!

lol raffi remember the day i came and chilled with u at your dads place and u didnt have a single customer for like 4 hrs
Eddie@SpoolUpRacing said:
lol raffi remember the day i came and chilled with u at your dads place and u didnt have a single customer for like 4 hrs

hahaha..yea its still like that Eddie....it sucks monkey dick!
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