Who ate my cookie!?


is no more
Who was the blind f00l who ate my BLADDER cookie!?!? I say blind because it had BLADDER written in big letters on the cookie, like the one in my avatar, so obviously you had to be blind to not have seen it. It was specifically made, with epicness and WIN, for me to consume at the event last night. But was stolen when I went to go eat it. SHOW YOURSELF YOU THIEF!! SO THAT I MAY UNLEASH MY WRATH UPON YOU!

But seriously, who ate my cookie?
it was the
dude, all i know is that whoever ate it... pretty much ate my saliva... cause i licked it.... i licked a couple of times.. expecting Bladder to eat it... LMAO!!!
:sigh: i made that cookie with love :(

a nice big megaphone + bladders name on it HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL IT WAS FOR BLADDER!
apparently they thought "oohhh bladder edition cookie!!!"
I was there to witness the epic cookie being made.
it had a megaphone, no diamonds.. but still baller.

Whoever ate it, I hope they get massive diarrhea for dayys...
plus i think i have herpes, and by me licking it the cookie is contaminated.. so i recomend for culprit to go see a doctor as soon as possible....
diarrhea? herpes? Bladder thank god they ate your cookie man cause they wanted to F*** u up!!:laugh: lol
OMFG Eating the admins cookie....thats fucking Epic. I wish I would have done it just to have the title and to be THAT guy.

Either way.....Bladda....Everytime I see you from now on....im giving you cookies along with endless hand shakes.
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