Where has Ter-Tech been?

Nascar season is almost here, they are practicing. No.. I'm really kidding. But I don't know where they are at, I miss them :-( Maybe they moved to the west coast lol
If it wasn't for them hosting those Hialeah events, I would have never found sanctuary on this forum. I don't mean to threadjack, but on a sidenote, is there likely to be any more "local" events such as the Hialeah Speedway? I have a tight schedule and an event like that was just plain convenient.

Otherwise, if anything, I hope Ter-Tech has something cooking up for us, because I got something cooking of my own. :eek:
Well the building where the shop was located was sold so Ter-Tech had to move out. Harri's been working for another company "makin dat dollah SON" (Harri's words) and is also now a Freedom Fighter. There's always talk of another shop opening up but nothing is set in stone. Harri's still planning on trying out for a Formula D license (note: AFAIK). Only time will tell what's to come...no big secrets though and no events planned (again AFAIK). I've been really sick and not socializing at all so I'm not too up to date on all the T-T dirt. Harri would be the man to ask though so call him up.
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poo. Well at least we know, now (AFAIK). :p No really, hopefully things are good on thier part. They've done a lot for us (especially me for all that hardcore seat time that I'll never take for granted). I never really did catch on to what the Formula D license thingamajiggy was all about (if thats the same drift license I've heard about that is). I miss them!
The Formula D license is FD's way of weeding out the bad and opening up for the good. If you got no points in FD last year or are trying to debut in FD, you have to try out for a license. License events will be held separately from FD events. Currently there are only 4 events listed but none are open to registration yet (odd). They will be mini competitions but the winners are not guaranteed licenses...the judges still have the final say as to which and how many drivers get a license.

There are also the instances where one is not required to compete to achieve a license. Lets say you are...steve millen and want in, they'll let you run. I'm sure there are other ways in if you know the right people and suck the right c0cks too.
dori dori said:
The Formula D license is FD's way of weeding out the bad and opening up for the good. If you got no points in FD last year or are trying to debut in FD, you have to try out for a license. License events will be held separately from FD events. Currently there are only 4 events listed but none are open to registration yet (odd). They will be mini competitions but the winners are not guaranteed licenses...the judges still have the final say as to which and how many drivers get a license.

There are also the instances where one is not required to compete to achieve a license. Lets say you are...steve millen and want in, they'll let you run. I'm sure there are other ways in if you know the right people and suck the right c0cks too.

Ohhhhh, hence the distinguishment between the "drift practices" as opposed to the "drift competitions". I understand now. Yea man, I'm sure those licenses would be a hoot for a lot of us. If I ever earned one, I'd sweat the hell out of it. (Remember, I'm the guy that knows FF's can't keep spinning the back wheels). :p

Lordwilling when Ter-tech is back in full effect they'll bring those out again.
Huh? I'm talking about FD, Formula D. Nothing to do with Ter-Tech. You're confusing me now. :(
Tony, the Formula D Qualifiers are open for registration.... they already had one of the Cali events in December.
ya and harri is on the list for houston. oddly enough i didnt see jauns name there i though we was going to run this year. blah
Rumor has it that they are coming to GA with the qualifiers. If that happens in the second semester even I'll try to make it.
I also have to thank all the Ter-tech crew for all they've done. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for the Hialeah events. I always wish them the best. They deserve a huge spotlight in 06.
well guy's this year there is something in the works just check the Meets/Events section on the forum look 4 the thread tittled "DRIFTING IN MIAMI" soon there will something. Ter-tec is still around i've spoken 2 Harri, the only thing that is needed is a place to hold an event. I myself do not work for ter-tec, but am helping 2 find place 2 get something going. Hopefully something can happen before that gay *** fast and the furious movie comes out and all prices sky rocket. Till then OSW is the only thing going right now so 3hour drive it is. Sorry I can't be more helpful :(
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