What's your Major


For those of you that actually go to school, I just wanted to know what some of you guys are majoring in. I'm in MDC and I have no idea what the hell I want to do with my life. I'm stuck between an English major or a Journalism major but I really don't even know if I want to do that. If you don't go to school, what have you or would you major in. :bigthumbu
business admin, thats what i'm doing, because everything is business.

but i kinda want to change mine to philosophy or sociology.
i got my bacholers in video game design (big fuckin mistake cause i cant get a job)
I am working on a BA in History with a minor in Education, and my girlfriend is wrapping up her BA in Political Science, and is planning to get a Master's in Public Administration or Law School
Yo i go to PBCC and i major in Business Administration and Management. gotta open a sick shop for all you sick fucks.....(hehehe j/k) something like an open lot with a different setup everyday, tire changers, cone and safety staff. shop is open everyday (sells tires, and parts etc.) weekends is drifting yaaaay. tell me what u think!!!!
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