Wedensday Towers...

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Smidget said:
i am debating whether or not to go... anyone wanna pick me up?

how far do you live from sunrise and US1. I can pick u up if its not that far outta the way -SAS
I'm not going.
If someone could put down $5 for me, and I'll repay you at the BBQ that would be super.

Help a brotha out =(
Ok so towers on Wednesdays is officially over. The new spot will be Dunkin Donuts on flamingo and pines boulevard. We are tired of getting kicked out every place we go and we know that @ dd there will be no cop issues and it is a more convenient location for everyone.

So next wednesday were meeting up @ dunkin donuts! cyall there!

Mods please close this thread thnxs.
please people behave at dunkin donuts, we had it before for a looonggg time, no problems...dont mess it up for everyone...
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