Warehouse mini-drift event!!! PICTURES

sweet pics i love u co HOMO
Chris you are supposed to say "No Homo." But I know you have strong feelings for me ;).

More pics or ima lock this bitch up ;)
I did my part. Here are a couple more pictures. Maybe I'll try to slide at the next event.




what about the black 240 hatch lol

Holy shit i just noticed thats when we were rolling 3 deep hahahahahaha
what about the black 240 hatch lol

Holy shit i just noticed thats when we were rolling 3 deep hahahahahaha

Aww man sorry bro I didn't get any. I was probably outside trying to get some clean air lol.

i luv u bro!!! please gimmie more if you have any!!

Sorry man I only have those 2 of you drifting and then a still shot I posted earlier in the first post on this thread. Where's everyone else's pictures?
Yeah lol i hear you on that one lol. For real where are everyone elses pics i saw people with cameras upload please!!!!!!
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