I'm not sure where to start on this. If you don't feel like reading this in its entirety, it basically says people need to stop being hypercritical and chill the fuck out. I'm also not responding directly to anyone or quoting. This is a general statement. Mainly because I'm too lazy to be proper...
First of all. Where on any of the sites that were sourced from say you must give credit or anything of the sort? They are considered donations to the community. Even if you pay for them they still are not required. Sure it may be something most people do but it is not required. All Personal Preference. Movies have every person in it credited and waivers signed... does anybody do that? HELL NO. It's all non profit.
Now If he was charging per view or selling as a DVD then that's a different story...
I have absolutely used Video copilot tutorials, and even re-created the same exact clips they show. It's all good practice. Is that wrong? Not at all, I could be retarded but I could have swore that is the reason they put them up? and it's exactly why they make templates for people to put their own text in? Maybe I missed something with that...
And Please one of you go open, lets say AUTOCAD(assuming none of you know how to use it.) and create me a simple, everyday, ordinary spoon in 3D. WITHOUT looking at any tutorials or instructions, or asking anyone how to do it. Pretty hard right? Meow go look up a tutorial and do it... Pretty easy right?. Now you could probably branch off into other stuff right?
Now if you take longer then I do to create the exact same thing then I am going to tell you it doesn't count because there is no way it takes that long to make a simple spoon...
Now why does it matter how long it took him to edit the intro? There aren't time limits. Everyone has a different pace of learning. Geez.
And nobody has to have done something, in order to criticize someone else. If something looks like shit, they are allowed to say it does. It's all an opinion. What you decide to do with their critique is up to you. Just because someone hasn't done what you have, or had to deal with the shitty quality, or shakiness, or overexposure. Doesn't mean they can't blatantly see it. And call you out on it. ESPECIALLY when you ask for criticism.
All of my shots used to be shaky and overexposed. People kept telling me. So I tightened that shit up!
Now as for the actual video and not the BS taking place after.
Video was good in general.
Was a bit shaky. I could tell you used warp stabilizer on the chase scene but you could have used it on a few other scenes and done a lot of good. Especially the scene after the chase with Rodd hiding(standing normally) behind the barrel.
@1:05 Holy tits.
I can't remember what you shoot with, but I'm pretty sure it's Canon?
I will HIGHLY Recommend a LCDVF. I bought one and was very skeptical but I can tell you it has been the best investment I have made besides buying the camera itself. Helps tremendously with the shakes and also help you focus quicker and more accurately.
I have the CarrySpeed one. Got it on Amazon I think. It's cheap enough to where if you don't like it, it isn't going to be a regretful waste of money(20 bucks). However you do feel kind of weird using it. Especially with the 50mm as people always seem to thing you are holding the camera backwards? Idk lol
Also I rented a fancy Zacuto Z-Finder pro and I didn't like it compared to the carryspeed one. At least not for the price difference.
Also Something that would help your shots tremendously is some better glass. A shallower DOF would really set some of your shots off. Just try renting a lens once. There really is a huge difference in quality. If you need any help picking something out just hit me up!
And the thing that pisses me off more than anything. Especially lately now that everyone and their mothers are filming these days. Nobody is better then anyone else. Everyone is always learning and improving. Some people need to get off their high horses. This isn't a competition. We all do it for the same reason. Have fun with it.