Um yea, I may get fired tommorrow... kinda messed with comp's and changed passwords.

Lmfao you guys and your movies. Alright Anthony, it's a deal BUT you cannot watch me. Give me a comp with a guest account and within 30min to an hour I'll change any of the admin passwords.
LOL, come on shane, the ONLY possible way in DOS is via the NET cmd, and you'd still need to be a domain admin to touch AD users--in which case every action is logged in the event viewer on the server.--The netadmin there obviously is a complete and total fucking idiot if he doesn't know that...

Give more information and PROVE that you did this...

Also the w2k recovery console won't let you touch AD either...local admin != domain admin

This is possible, but not without sniffing LM hashes and then cracking them.--something that would take much effort via cmd line. (and extra software to be installed)

I'll give you axx to a VM so you can do w/e, and i'll mount a 2k iso as the cd drive if you think that will help.
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^wtf are you talking about i can boot into dos without going cmd promt and without useing windows
nice way tot ell the truth see it all worked out.. now ur cool as fuck with the guy and hed let u look at porn and shit lmao..
The other day, I turned my computer on. It was tuff, but I got it. I think I might look into a job with computers.
I saw a youtube video that explained how to do this. Idk remember where it was called lol.
No wai.

Its easy and fairly well known how to change a local admin pw. Local.

A domain admin pw is not going to get altered by fiddling in the cmd prompt, recovery console, or anything else on an end user machine with limited rights. Local passwords simply do not replicate across a network. Shenanigans.
No wai.

Its easy and fairly well known how to change a local admin pw. Local.

A domain admin pw is not going to get altered by fiddling in the cmd prompt, recovery console, or anything else on an end user machine with limited rights. Local passwords simply do not replicate across a network. Shenanigans.

at first i thought the post was a troll but nobody seemed to get it :laugh:

So your saying I'm lying about this entire thing? hah.

I'm saying it is impossible to replicate a local admin password across a domain. Others in the know agree. The methodology is wrong and even if it were right, you'd need much more time and knowledge in the field. Its not a guessing game to accomplish what you are saying you accomplished.

Michael is offering you an awesome opportunity to prove us wrong. Go ahead - you'll have unlimited time and unlimited resources.


yeah Shane wouldn't lie about something when it comes to work.

Then maybe he doesn't even know what he's implying. The entire network would be in shambles if something like this were to occur. Services that require an admin password would stop working which means portions of the network would stop working. Not only that, the admins would be locked out of their own machines. They would definitely not casually laugh such an act off since their asses would be on line.
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I'm saying it is impossible to replicate a local admin password across a domain. Others in the know agree. The methodology is wrong and even if it were right, you'd need much more time and knowledge in the field. Its not a guessing game to accomplish what you are saying you accomplished.

Michael is offering you an awesome opportunity to prove us wrong. Go ahead - you'll have unlimited time and unlimited resources.


Then maybe he doesn't even know what he's implying. The entire network would be in shambles if something like this were to occur. Services that require an admin password would stop working which means portions of the network would stop working. Not only that, the admins would be locked out of their own machines. They would definitely not casually laugh such an act off since their asses would be on line.

Pinging a server repeatedly allows you to change a password? this is total BS.

To kind of explain more for the clueless--

If he changed the domain admin password--anything service that uses AD/LDAP/RADIUS, etc. would be thrown into shambles.


VPN--cutting access from sales, accounting, and IT people that work at home.--oh ya that would go unnoticed for no more then 5min...
Content Filter--You think IT and the higher management have filtered internet access? The filtering is determined by your user group, and the content filter hardware again needs domain admin to poll what group users are in.
Network Management--Whatever they use to poll servers and important infrastructure uses WMI among other things which needs domain admin to run, the entire IT dept would be running around cuz their blackberrys would be pwn'd from the notifications of systems down.
Workstation Management--These use domain admin to poll and deploy updates, software, etc.--Also whatever anti-virus solution they use has their own management system that is separate that would no longer function and the systrays on every machine would turn red in a day or two to let users know they aren't receiving updates--or in the case of certain software make annoying popups to confuse users into calling the helpdesk...

Also, the only cmd that you need to use is net.exe to change a domain password or acct.

NET USER with some arguments and flags can change a domain admin's password--only if you know the current password. It's not some command you use repeatedly over and over until it works...and it's not "pinging a server" either...
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They didn't believe it either when it happend. But I swear on anything that it FUCKIN worked. and they only thing I did was a few different net user commands. example "net user administrator * /domain" I did that over and over and it eventually took the password I gave it. lol I'm seriously not lieing, it may be a glitch or idk what. And yes, it definatley changed the admin password on the entire network at our dealership.

Btw, today the had me write down every net user command I did and they are trying to duplicate it because they dont know how it worked. They called Microsoft and they said theyve never heard of such a way that you can do it over and over and it glitches past the level 5 access denied. Take it as you will. I could care less if you believe it, but everyone in my dealership saw it first hand.
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