Um yea, I may get fired tommorrow... kinda messed with comp's and changed passwords.

Yea, it was the entire network. I'll let you guys know whats up within the next hour or so...
HAHAHA! Omg guys! I went to the very head I.T. Guy who does the security and everything for Braman. I walked in like "Hey um.. I was messing with DOS yesterday and kinda changed the password for admins to get on the network" hes like "Wait... you what?" Im like "I went through about 10-15 different DOS commands that I know and changed the admin password on the entire network". Hes like "...... you may be in the wrong business, howd you do it?". I showed him every DOS command that leads up to going through the Level 5 Access denied wall and evenetually changed the password from a non admin user name. Hes like "WHOA how the fuck did you know all this?" Im like "idk just stuff I remeber from Windows 3.1" so hes like, "cool! lets test it! "Fuckyou" sounds like a sweet password huh?" im like "haha yea" he changes the admin password to fuck you, we go to another computer and it works and hes like "wow no shit" and I just said "yea I just wanted to let you know so that I dont get in trouble or something" hes like "your Shane right?, hey if you find anything else like this that you can breach security here let me know!" Im like "definatley!" so now im going to mess with these comps ALL DAY haha.
bwhahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaha... nice one shane... when he asked how did you know that you should have said, im finnish... bwhahahaha
trading and selling parts

i really hope you dont get fired shane

Read my post above you.

bwhahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaha... nice one shane... when he asked how did you know that you should have said, im finnish... bwhahahaha

Haha then he would look at me like.... wha.huh?

It's funny, about 15min ago he came to my bay and was like "Hey *nervous* I cannot dup0licate what you did!... um... how did you do it? it doesnt work for me?" I tried it again and it didnt work, I said "well it didnt work my first few times, so i kept changing endings on the codes and kept pinging the server over and over and it eventually let me in as admin and change the pass's via DOS". hes like "well heh I kinda need to know those codes, I went to microsoft and they didnt have anything on this, its not even on the INTERNET where I can find it!" Im like "idk man, i tried alot of things and it let me in" then he like picks up his radio and is like "alright he did this and that blah blah blah" and he left like "uhh ok *points finger at me* thanks" and walks away. He told me i got the other I.T. guys spooked since they cannot duplicate it or something.

I have other ways to do it too, itll be funny when I show him that... maybe tommorrow.
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Unless they don't know how to create a user account and you have rights beyond that of a normal user, you are not changing network admin passwords. If it were that easy, well MS would be in serious trouble.

Unless they don't know how to create a user account and you have rights beyond that of a normal user, you are not changing network admin passwords. If it were that easy, well MS would be in serious trouble.

lol, no bs, I did. Im on a Guest user account and I changed the Admin passwords on the entire network. Like I said, it took a while and I just kept pinging it the same codes and it eventually let me through.
lol, no bs, I did. Im on a Guest user account and I changed the Admin passwords on the entire network. Like I said, it took a while and I just kept pinging it the same codes and it eventually let me through.

I invite you to my network to show me then. I'll even give you a user account with everything BUT domain admin privileges. If you can change my admin account in dos on an end user machine, I'll make you rich.
I won't limit you to anything.

Except the obvious - you're not logging into my servers. End user machine, change a network admin password. That's the deal.
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Should have just beat his ass and stuffed him in a locker.....ahhh highschool, he would have loved to been reminded.
LMAO i wanna work there i got fired from a few places for hacking there systems
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