Um yea, I may get fired tommorrow... kinda messed with comp's and changed passwords.


Fox! Do a barrel roll!
Um... where to start. Today I didn't work on a single car. I got so bored out of my mind and the computers are blocked and wont allow access to many websites. So, I went through the command prompt and tried to see how secure our network is at BMW.... yea, not so much. After about an hour of trying different DOS coding I managed to bypass the stage 5 block and change the admin's password to the computer. Yes, this was my intension, to change the password (so that I could bypass the firewall) but what I didn't intend was changing the admin password on every computer in the dealership. Luckily this happened at about 4:15pm today and everyone gets out at 4:30pm. So, I don't think the I.T. guy (admin at BMW) noitced yet. But heres my question, how easy is it for people at business's to find out which computer used what? What I mean is, how easy is it you think for the I.T. guy to come in tommorrow, try his password, doesnt work, then traces when it was changed and from which computer? Is DOS traceable or does it matter since they can monitor everything on each computer in the network? Think they can trace to me? I'm thinking of telling early tomm morning but then again, what if I don't? Can they figure out it's me? Probably matters on the network type but whats the norm? Thanks guys.

usually on pc's everything gets logged. even things that you wouldn't think would be logged ;)
just depends on the knowlodege of the person who is checking on all the maintence (I.T. guy)
if he doesn't notice or anything doesn't immediately happen, you might get lucky =)

I'd just play it cool and just not mess with it for a couple of days. See how that goes

what did you change the password too? :laugh:
something that can relate it back to you?
LOL but can he check the log files with out his password?
dude i'd ride it out and not tell anyone... are you the only one with access to you computer?
IMO just let them know and maybe the guy would let u slide and say just change the password back and u still got a job.

cuz if they do find out its u ur fired and then mission to find a job these days.

think about it this way have u ever escaped from a ticket for saying the truth instead of making a BS lie. relate it to that. telling the truth is always the best sounds corny stuff but i believe it.

w.e choice u make hope u can keep ur job and finish ur car projects.
just say dude i wanted to look at some porn your password was blocking me from my porn... so i took away your password? i dont see why we should have a problem. :bigthumbu
The old addage says "the truth will set you free". Do the right thing you may still have a Job and they will appreciate that you were honest with them and apologize. You lie and keep it to yourself means and shows others that you lack integrity and character comes under fire.

If you tell the truth you may get burned but you will never do it again and you could keep your Job.

Lie and you will have more problems than you could imagine.

Shoot, you may get offered a better job because you exploited a problem in their system.

Tell your boss that the IT guy fails hard. You wanted to test the system and broke it down. You should be the new IT guy. Or pull the IT guy aside and tell him what you did, then tell him how to fix it.
Talk to the IT guy, he'd probly be cool with it actually as long as he knows whats going on. And actually he might be a little impressed really.
oooook now... all the passwords?

...u were fuxin w/ the server?

....n e wayz, imagin this.....

....yr the 'IT Guy' (im sayin this cuz it seems like you dont konw him very well).... you come into work, got yr coffee, sit down, click the mouse, type your word and bam.. passy no workie... "ok, i fuxs up, ill tryz again..." you reply as you bang a lil harder on the keys.... 'password error' pop up again and now you know somethings up. just right as you lift your head to start asking questions, some mech pops in with a bead of sweat on his forehead, at 930 A.M...

"dude, im totally sorry" he says... or thats what you heard... he could of said "heeey buuuudie, want to test drive this hooker i saw down on 12th street" and it would not have fazed you...

....cuz now you know that you have to fix over a dozen computers that some mech busted because he wanted to play tetris... and its a day away from the weekend... do you think you feel then?

...just wana let you know how some of us 'IT' guys take "im sorry" or "oops, my baad bro"

....i dont think youll get fired, cuz thats up to HR n the Boss.... but lets hope the boss doesnt find out the real reason why he cant check his shii cuz his password got changed, without out his permission...

my 2pennies.... goodluck :bigthumbu
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