Townhouse Ass-ociation help?!?!


ok people my Gf lives in a townhouse with some crummy neighbors who have nothing better to do than to count the cars in the visitors spots when they barely ever have visitors. I am a frequent visitor since its my gf i mean c'mon where is the privacy I am a visitor I enter the property through the visitors gate like anyone else.... no real special pass. The association has had 3 different security companies within the last 4 months. I have been with my GF for the last 4 years basically doing the same thing, what else can I do she lives there, I picked her I didnt pick her townhouse association...well This morning we get a visit from the property manager telling me I cant park where I park and such and not to be surprised if I wake up one morning and my car is gone...(towed).

I tried to explain to him that its none of his buisiness if I am over all night or all day as long as i'm not parked 24hrs and i'm parked in a "VISITOR" marked spot. I showed him my liscence showing a my address and He's like " dont BS me you sleep here on a daily basis, You live here" "have your GF come to the office i'll write up a special pass for w.e time period I want" basically he wants to have her sign something to tie me to the house and screw me out of parking since the house spots are all taken up . I mean c'mon dont work on cars in the parking lot it doesnt stay parked for full days at a time and its first come first serve spots. You can say I basically live there since i'm there pretty much every day of the week but who's buisiness is that? I keep my car parked in the Visitor maked spots and enter as a visitor waiting ridiculous lines to get in........ But theres not a house spot to park in anyways. is she supposed to ask the towhouse association if its ok to have a Boyfriend? it seems a little outrageous. I know the underlying problem with this is her ex-postal service neighbor and friends they are complete a-holes and have nothing better to do and make up crap stories about Noises and parties when its not true and saying my exhaust is loud? LOL my turbo supra and 302 ranger are loud I drive the BMW daily its pretty quiet for what it is and I dont exactly sit there hitting WOT to park my car. but what can we do now?

The manager told me to have my GF go in and get a "special Pass" which will determine where I park and such, problem there is the house only has 3 spots, 2 parked in correctly and 1 behind the 2 original cars. all 3 spots are already taken by the people living in the household. Is it truely legal for him to tow when I enter through the visitors gate ?? i mean they dont exactly have a pass to verify if your a visitor or a resident? they basically mark my tag every time I enter the property... I mean this is a joke and i'm not sure what to do about it anymore.

any advice or similar experiences with this? Anyone can help? Theres more details but thats a basic overview of what happened today. I just need to vent and see if anyone knows of other options.
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tell them if they tow your car there will be lawyers involved. there is visitor parking you are a visitor your not parked there for 24 hours or more. they legally cant do anything to you unless they change the rules to a specific time per visitor. now if they do tell your gf to find somewhere else to live thats harrasment.
Yeah i want to say thats true but the thing is I used to work for this association a few years back and I know how corrupt this townhouse HOA is its crazy and they are always changing things around like this... they never tow cars it takes alot for them to tow but i've never been visited by the property manager... wtf its not like i'm parking in the neighbors spots
ive given up on these motherfuckers....

pita is wut theyre good for, thats it
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now this issue is stirring up problems between my gf and I. She wants me to park in bu-fu visitors spots when theres perfectly good visitors spots in front of her house... if not she's gonna be hard headed and park far as all hell just to please these people. what makes the visitors spot on the other side of the complex any different.. its just a losing battle...
Ask for a copy of the HOA Rules and Regulations. Even if the rules changed they have to send an update to everyone in the neighborhood. If it is gated the police can't do much, the HOA can tow whatever they want pretty much.
Ask for a copy of the HOA Rules and Regulations. Even if the rules changed they have to send an update to everyone in the neighborhood. If it is gated the police can't do much, the HOA can tow whatever they want pretty much.

yeah thats what i'm afraid of, my boy was a guard with one of the last security companies so I know how they are. I'm finding out dirt such as the "property manager" does not have his Property Managers liscence. I know the previous president was removed from office by this batch of a-sociation officers for some reason and now there are things happening like People on the board when they are not Homeowners. and such i'm not the legal type so I dont know how much its worth but I wish this would just stop, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one experiencing similar issue with the property.
they would probably thank him for it cuz they'll just reap the benefits from it lol

no doubt in my mind about that but like u said theyll be so happy with him theyll let him park wereva he wants!

we live in miami anyone that owns anything that brings in more than $100,000 a year is corrupted

my doctor
my lawyer
my complex president
my teachers

everyone i know who owns a bizniz in miami


the wonderful dudes over at jdmofmiami who are legitasfuk very admirable
HAve your GFs parents write a letter saying you do not live there, bring a bill with you real home address, not much they can dispute against that
have her come over ur house dude....give that shit a rest its not worth the legal woes........i mean u dont have to completely back off but u can jus cut this problem by having her visit u more....iono if thas wut u wanna hear but its a solution g/l
HAve your GFs parents write a letter saying you do not live there, bring a bill with you real home address, not much they can dispute against that


they prob see the car everyday and figure u live there at my ex complex they would be like dude wtf why not just buy a clicker to get in instead of calling so they can open the gate

then i was like...

I spoke to my mother about this who is a property manager. She says ask the HOA for a copy of their rules stating that you cannot park there over night. She said its probably bullshit but it could be in their rule book. Also she said that if they do happen to tow your car and there is no rule in their rule book stating that you cannot park in the visitors spot then you would have to sue them for the towing charges. Which is probably not what you want to do. If you do happen to get a copy of the rule book my mom said she would gladly look it over for you to see if they have any loop holes to get around. Just shoot me a PM.
have the cash ready to get your car out of impound and be prepared to prove to the judge on paper/video or what ever that you are there less than 24hours and that you live else were when you have to take them to court for towing you. Then the real battles begin, that may end your relationship anyway.

Best thing will be to take your proof of address in and talk with them and show them that you do not live there and are only over X hours of the day X days a week.

Your right it is none of their business but they think it is, and the fact that they are not threatening your girlfriend for breaking the terms of her lease(one tenant) means they know they are full of shit. You can either fight them what ever the cost or work it out. but in the end they can make shit up call the cops and have you Trespassed from the property. As far as i know, you've got the shit end of the stick on this one.

edit: just saw the post above, start there.
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I fucking hate HOA

My complex had a meeting just about me. They deactivated my gate bar code because my friend ran the gate behind me when I didn't tell him to and my friend is not very smart so he said he was with me like that made it better. I knocked over the bar for the gate one time by accident and I circled around to say sorry and tell them I would fix it right away and the guard just yelled at me "that's $80 right now" I fucking lost it I just started fucking goin off onn him "how do you figure it cost that much to fix it, its two fucking bolts I'll fix it right now" then he was like oh shit just go ahead don't worry about it.

They've towed my RX-7 from the neighborhood over 5 times it was in guest and it didn't run so whatever ok I understand I moved it to my own spot they towed it AGAIN, got it running moved it back to guest towed it again. over and over again. and the towers are some very shady people I htink they took some stuff out of the 7 when they towed it, they put the car in some abandoned construction lot where I picked it up. I fucking hate them.

I saw the main office for the management somewhere and I swear I wanted to blow that shit up. HOA are worse than lawyers

good luck! lol
The way I see it I keep out of their way and lay low but the neighbors have it out for my GF's dad who recently moved to NC its ridiculous i've never been towed and hope to keep it that way. but now that the new security a-holes dont know anything they give into the neighbors which have tried and tried with the old companies and now they call the property manager on me and my Gf's house so now I got a mess on my hands.
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