Townhouse Ass-ociation help?!?!

There is nothing you can do i am currently getting fuck by HOA as well my girl moved in with me and i only have three parking spots and they are taking up by roomates and myself, now my gf parks in visitors and gets a pass.(but it is every night) But everytime they decide to be dicks they give me a ticket and now the hoa charges me per ticket after 2 free warnings per year. they charge 100 per ticket:mad:. whitch realy fucks me up.
Dude park your car right where you normally do put the ebrake up and put the car in gear people like that are just looking for something to bitch about tell him to go fuck himself
The problem lays on your neighbors. If they keep complaining to the property manager, he will just get fustrated and start to mess with you. Even if they have in the rules and regulation there parking and towing procedures that back up what they are trying to do.It doesnt matter.. What you realy need to get a hold of is their condo docs. A lot of the time HOA's will make up rules to fit their needs that half of the time are not allowed or even legal. Remember If it is not writen in bylaws they are not allowed to inforce. Remember the condo docs is the bible for the HOA's. If your girlfriend is the owner than fight it but if she is just renting leave it alone. They will make her life a living hell..
The house is in her Grandfathers name she rents from him. I woke up this morning to a tow sticker planted on my rear quarter window. kinda frustrating. I'm gonna lay low possibly park the ranger (it has a different tag number) on another block.... I'm really getting frustrated with 2009. I'm going to see if I can rent a parking spot from one of the neighbors if there are any sane ones left with an extra parking spot..... I dont want to cause any more of a mess for my gf... and we already had plans to split rent there so it doesnt look good for the meantime.
hmm.. shitty dilema.. the dude probably knows your face already.. have your g/f grab a copy of the latest published rule book.. and let the muthafuckers tow the truck and report it stolen the next day if it gets towed.. the black and white will CYA every time.. also if you never received a written warning about the towing procedures i would deny ever have spoken with the muthafucker.. if the rule is 24 hrs then have your manager at work be your alibi..
thats the funny thing about it... they basically see the car there a certain hour of the day so they claim its there 24hrs or all the time..... I work and when I park its in different spots so they cant complain. like last night I parked around 10pm leave around 9am and bam a sticker. it was one of those lovely "final notice" stickers which i've never received one before this...atleast not with the new security company. the previous company stopped stickering once they figured the neighbor is a complete deusche(sp?)

I dont want to get towed i'm just gonna rough it out park on another block for a while, to test this my gf parked her car on another block visitors spot while she is a resident... and no sticker so its just out for that specific corner of the neighborhood... its basically the neighbor(one in specific) with nothing better to do. funny thing is my car is there in 1 of the 5 spots on that corner and theres no other cars in the other visitors... whats the point its like they think they "own" the visitors spots? I dont sit there claiming a spot if theres no spot I park on another part of the block...
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