this is Bull****....

lol trust me bro at that moment ill turn into a ambulance my self. but i wouldnt go stupied and jump infront of cars while taking the red light.. just take it when theres no cars passing and you wount put anyone at risk.

So.... you guys are telling me that you will risk the life of others including those of your own families. They were not transporting the mother, they were summoned to the hospital due to the mother was dying. I am not playing devils advocate, but when one of my love ones is at the hospital, I stay there the entire time. From what i've read, the cop was following them from Dallas County to Collin County and the chase was going on from before the time that was shown on the video. I believe the cop is an inconsiderate prick, but it still does not take away that Mr. Moet's driving put more people in danger than what you guys think. Maybe I am a cold hearted asshole, but i think the driver was irresponsable.

I've had my great grandmother(still taking radiation & chemo) the lady that raised me taken to the hospital in the middle of the day, with no Idea of her condition, not knowing if she was going to make it or not. Just a call from the doctor saying that she was in bad shape, my heart dropping to the floor. I have gotten in my car and driven to the hospital with out taking any red lights, with out putting others in danger. Just knowing that no matter how bad i wanted to see her, she wanted me to be safe and more importantly alive. I see that the entire forum is taking a bias approach about the matter and thats great. I feel very neautral about the whole ordeal, i think the driver was wreckless and careless for those around him including his family, and i think that cop was an inconsiderate asshole who has no business being in an occupation were you are supposed to protect and help.

have you seen those cool lights and horns the ambulance have????? they are there for a reason. Do you have those cool lights and horn in your car? Because taking a red light and smashing into an inocent person, who also has a family is going to make you get to the hospital sooner... LMAO... yeah maybe after your accident they will take you to the same hospital as your famaliy member.


in the end of the story the cop should of taken the situation with consideration and be more humane about it. not act like he runs shit and what he says gos, in the way i say act more humane would be to be there ambulance and escord them to the hospital with there cool lights and horns ;)
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So.... you guys are telling me that you will risk the life of others including those of your own families. They were not transporting the mother, they were summoned to the hospital due to the mother was dying. I am not playing devils advocate, but when one of my love ones is at the hospital, I stay there the entire time. From what i've read, the cop was following them from Dallas County to Collin County and the chase was going on from before the time that was shown on the video. I believe the cop is an inconsiderate prick, but it still does not take away that Mr. Moet's driving put more people in danger than what you guys think. Maybe I am a cold hearted asshole, but i think the driver was irresponsable.
Dude... If your wife was crying in the passenger seat begging you to rush her to the hospital to see her mom thats dying... Fuck the bullshit dude. I would get there asap. The cop was being a fucking heartless dickhead. No matter what the situation he just needed to write those tickets and let him go... All the chit chat was fucking bullshit! Dudocious... give me a fucking break homeboy. BTW nice tattoos...
so lets say this guy rushing to the hospital, run through the stop light and smashes into a van. In the van there is a girls team of little league soccer, half of the kids end up in the ICU and two of them die onsite. One of those little girls is your (sister, daughter, cousin, niece, etc) instead of siding with this guys you will be all over him with pitchforks and torches. The minute he would have taken stopped in the light, beats those 17 minutes listening to a cop. Taking a stop light is no joke man;
These are 1/4 year numbers:

Total crashes: 171,000

Injury crashes: 83,000

Persons injured: 144,000

Fatal crashes: 791

Persons killed: 887

i dont give a fuck what the situation may be.. the guy was obviously not thinking rationally.. the fact beyond a reasonable doubt is that he was being extremely careless.. and our entire justice system/ society is based off facts being beyond a reasonable doubt.. if you dont like it you can get the fuck out..
saw this yesterday, and I understand the cops reasoning for pulling him over and had every right to, but the cop came out of his car w/ gun drawn, completly ignored the fact of the situation, and was really giving them a hard time knowing it. It could have been handled completely differently.
Dude... If your wife was crying in the passenger seat begging you to rush her to the hospital to see her mom thats dying... Fuck the bullshit dude. I would get there asap. The cop was being a fucking heartless dickhead. No matter what the situation he just needed to write those tickets and let him go... All the chit chat was fucking bullshit! Dudocious... give me a fucking break homeboy. BTW nice tattoos...

I dont have a wife, but if I did; Do you actually think my wife's mother would like me to put her daughter's life in peril? If we had kids; Do you think my imaginary wife will make me do some dumb things, which might lead to our kids being orphans? I understand if your wife is pregnant, or someone is bleeding to death in your back seat, even then you just call 911 and they will have someone escort you to the hospital. Growing up, my neighbor's wife was pregnant and her water broke, he called an ambulance and the cops. The reason why he called both, is that he knew one of them had to get there before the other. The cops showed up first, with his broken english he told the cop to please help him get to the hospital, the cop agreed. He loaded his wife in his pick up truck and the cop made way for him the entire way. The cop in this article is a prick, but the driver also put too many lifes at risk.... Like I said before one is an asshole, the other is an idiot.:bigthumbu
fuck rules.. i'm a rebel at heart. police dont do shit.. someone it my car infront of a cop n i told him arent you going to give me a hit and run report and he told me, it was'nt that bad ( the hit ) just go to the police department they will do a report for me, there busy kicking everyone out of the parking lot.... its only human nature to abuse the power that is given. those types of cops deserve to get shot when they walk up to the window..
Maybe he shouldnt of been driving like that but the cop didnt have to be the dick he was either. Cops and their "power"
In that situation whether its your mom or your mother in law family is family and it comes first no matter what. For all we know hes mother in law was more of a mother to him or what not. and you can clearly see he was being cautious, it was late at night no traffic. bottom line if one of your family members was dieing in the hospital you would do the same thing, hell i would do it in a heart beat. If that cop was off duty and someone of he's family was dieing in the hospital i bet you anything he would have been running red lights too.
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