this is Bull****....


This guy is rushing his family to the hospital because his wife's mother is dying, he rolls through a stop light and a punk ass cop pulls him over, lectures him on how he could do whatever he wanted to the guy, for SEVENTEEN fucking minutes. By the time the guy is done lecturing him and tellling him how big his gun and badge are and checking for warrants (which of course there were none) the guys mother in law is dead.

It always amazes me how there are so many cops out there who are far more interested in proving to the public how powerful they are, then actually serving and helping people.

No not all cops are scumbags like this one, but alot are.

if it was one of us and this happened it would of never got coverage since it was a NFL player it did and i hope the fucker rots in jail
so lets say this guy rushing to the hospital, run through the stop light and smashes into a van. In the van there is a girls team of little league soccer, half of the kids end up in the ICU and two of them die onsite. One of those little girls is your (sister, daughter, cousin, niece, etc) instead of siding with this guys you will be all over him with pitchforks and torches. The minute he would have taken stopped in the light, beats those 17 minutes listening to a cop. Taking a stop light is no joke man;
These are 1/4 year numbers:

Total crashes: 171,000

Injury crashes: 83,000

Persons injured: 144,000

Fatal crashes: 791

Persons killed: 887
its super fucked up i just saw this shit on the news he didnt even get to see his mother in law before she died. Id be sueing the fuck out of those cops. rob stop being a dick and show some compansion what if the same thing happened to you.
Well the guy was stopping at each red light making sure there was no cars coming. And he also had the hazard lights on, That cop was a total asshole! but he was doing hes job though, but every now and then he can just cut some slack especially in that case when it involved a life and death situation. He could of easily told the guy, " go ahead ima leave the tickets in the windshield ". but if it was me i wouldve let him go. Now if the guy would have been blowing through the red lights at high speed it wouldve been a different story. I wouldnt be surprised if a law suit came along.
dude, everybody dies. I am not a dick i am just being a realist, it was his fucking mother in law. This gives no reason for the guy to drive like a maniac and endanger all those around him. Shit!!! if it was that simple everytime my Great grandmother is in the ER, I am going to haul ass over there taking all the red lights and stops signs. Those 2 minutes he could have waited in that intersection would have been minimal, compare to 17 minutes. I had a friend in HS, his name was Tony he lived by my house, great guy knew him since middle school. One night he was coming home with my other friends Jessie, some dude was driving reckless and took a redlight the same momment they were going through the intersection.Tony died from the impact, Jessie ended up in a coma for weeks, Tony was only 19. I am in no way saying the cop was right, he was a prick. All i am saying if you give people the right to drive like morons just because they have an emergency, half of the world would be doing it. Mr.Moats put his life, the ones of his passangers, and the life of those who were in the streets that night. Why would i feel compasion for him? Is like saying;the dude was depressed because his mom just died, got on his car and drove like a maniac. But, I feel bad for him, so i will not be mad if he cuts me off, tailgates me, or takes a red light while i am going through the intersection.
In my eyes both the driver and the cop are wrong, the cop for abusing his power and the driver for driving like a prick and putting those in the rode at danger.

Well the guy was stopping at each red light making sure there was no cars coming. And he also had the hazard lights on, That cop was a total asshole! but he was doing hes job though, but every now and then he can just cut some slack especially in that case when it involved a life and death situation. He could of easily told the guy, " go ahead ima leave the tickets in the windshield ". but if it was me i wouldve let him go. Now if the guy would have been blowing through the red lights at high speed it wouldve been a different story. I wouldnt be surprised if a law suit came along.

Tell me man, if you are coming to an intersection at 45mph, and see some dude waving at you from the window of his car, while having his hazards on. Would you stop? What about if for some dumb reason you dont see the guy waving at you? The cop should have escorted him to the hospital, but the drive shouldnt have been driving like an idiot.
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It sucks. I'd do the same thing though, fuck the lights, of course I'd look for traffic first but still, your moms dieing. As for the cop taking that long, he coulda just said give me your license, keys, registration, insurance and get up there and ill finish the paper work down here.
Yes it always burns me that the people who play devils advocate would do the same thing if there wife mother father son was in the hospital about to die and it was the last chance to say goodbye.
i've been put in the situation b4 and for that instant i didnt give a shit about myself or anyone else....if i lose my mom i feel like my life is shit anyway.......doesnt make it right but its a human reaction and the proper shit like dudocius said would have been for the cop to escort the guy......
dude, everybody dies. I am not a dick i am just being a realist, it was his fucking mother in law. This gives no reason for the guy to drive like a maniac and endanger all those around him. Shit!!! if it was that simple everytime my Great grandmother is in the ER, I am going to haul ass over there taking all the red lights and stops signs. Those 2 minutes he could have waited in that intersection would have been minimal, compare to 17 minutes. I had a friend in HS, his name was Tony he lived by my house, great guy knew him since middle school. One night he was coming home with my other friends Jessie, some dude was driving reckless and took a redlight the same momment they were going through the intersection.Tony died from the impact, Jessie ended up in a coma for weeks, Tony was only 19. I am in no way saying the cop was right, he was a prick. All i am saying if you give people the right to drive like morons just because they have an emergency, half of the world would be doing it. Mr.Moats put his life, the ones of his passangers, and the life of those who were in the streets that night. Why would i feel compasion for him? Is like saying;the dude was depressed because his mom just died, got on his car and drove like a maniac. But, I feel bad for him, so i will not be mad if he cuts me off, tailgates me, or takes a red light while i am going through the intersection.
In my eyes both the driver and the cop are wrong, the cop for abusing his power and the driver for driving like a prick and putting those in the rode at danger.

eh... he had his family in the car rushing to the hospital to see her before she passes. yea he doesnt have the right to break the law and drive like an A hole but at the same time what would you do? phone rings late at night and your father tells you your mother is about to die, try to get here as fast as you can so you can pay your last respects and say good bye. if you read the story you can see that the cop was wrong, he might even be dismissed as an officer. its sad to read stuff like this, i hate it when cops abuse the badge and gun which this cop did draw his gun.... just sad..
i understand that he shouldnt have ran the light but fuck the cop didnt have to bullshit for so long(which u kno the do on purpose) he couldve gave him a ticket and said make it there as quick as possible without breaking the law or better yet put him in the car turn his lights on and take him to the hospital himself which would be using his authority to help instead of being a dick i fukin hate most cops but there are some cool ones out there

oh yea n if it was me i wouldnt have stopped they would have to chase me to the hospital lol
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well... i dont like ANY (real) cops.. they should all die...dead ass.... but... yeah mother in law...cmon
This is one of those gray area situations where one could easily side with either party. Personally I would have done the same (running the reds, cautiously) and i'd be pissed if the cop were being a pencil pushing ass about the situation, but not about being pulled over. A cop with any human compassion would have offered himself as an escort to the hospital - they are public servants after all.
This is one of those gray area situations where one could easily side with either party. Personally I would have done the same (running the reds, cautiously) and i'd be pissed if the cop were being a pencil pushing ass about the situation, but not about being pulled over. A cop with any human compassion would have offered himself as an escort to the hospital - they are public servants after all.

I don't know anyone in their right mind, who could take there jolly good ol time with a dying family member in their car. In-law or not. Family is Family, a life is a life. He did what any normal person would do when someones life is partly in their hands, she may have died in the ER, she may not have, but it wouldve been nice to get her there.
I don't know anyone in their right mind, who could take there jolly good ol time with a dying family member in their car. In-law or not. Family is Family, a life is a life. He did what any normal person would do when someones life is partly in their hands, she may have died in the ER, she may not have, but it wouldve been nice to get her there.

There was no dying family member in the car. :rolleyes:
thats some serious bullshit... i would take everylight also with caution its human nature... laws is away of controlling people so there wouldn't be koas, but when its an emergency fuck the law.. when have you seen a ambilance stop at a red light and let it turn green when they are taking someone to the hospital?.. Fuck that.. i would'nt pull over.. ill go all the way to the hospital and then let him handcuff me if he wants.. in the end mybe that mother in law was like a second mom to him. family is first... fuck the law.
So.... you guys are telling me that you will risk the life of others including those of your own families. They were not transporting the mother, they were summoned to the hospital due to the mother was dying. I am not playing devils advocate, but when one of my love ones is at the hospital, I stay there the entire time. From what i've read, the cop was following them from Dallas County to Collin County and the chase was going on from before the time that was shown on the video. I believe the cop is an inconsiderate prick, but it still does not take away that Mr. Moet's driving put more people in danger than what you guys think. Maybe I am a cold hearted asshole, but i think the driver was irresponsable.

I've had my great grandmother(still taking radiation & chemo) the lady that raised me taken to the hospital in the middle of the day, with no Idea of her condition, not knowing if she was going to make it or not. Just a call from the doctor saying that she was in bad shape, my heart dropping to the floor. I have gotten in my car and driven to the hospital with out taking any red lights, with out putting others in danger. Just knowing that no matter how bad i wanted to see her, she wanted me to be safe and more importantly alive. I see that the entire forum is taking a bias approach about the matter and thats great. I feel very neautral about the whole ordeal, i think the driver was wreckless and careless for those around him including his family, and i think that cop was an inconsiderate asshole who has no business being in an occupation were you are supposed to protect and help.

thats some serious bullshit... i would take everylight also with caution its human nature... laws is away of controlling people so there wouldn't be koas, but when its an emergency fuck the law.. when have you seen a ambilance stop at a red light and let it turn green when they are taking someone to the hospital?.. Fuck that.. i would'nt pull over.. ill go all the way to the hospital and then let him handcuff me if he wants.. in the end mybe that mother in law was like a second mom to him. family is first... fuck the law.

have you seen those cool lights and horns the ambulance have????? they are there for a reason. Do you have those cool lights and horn in your car? Because taking a red light and smashing into an inocent person, who also has a family is going to make you get to the hospital sooner... LMAO... yeah maybe after your accident they will take you to the same hospital as your famaliy member.
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