Things that pissed u off the most!!!!

e30 gangsta said:
So last night im on the phone with this girl im talking to until like 5am. So she tells me lets have breakfast. I say ok. So i get ready call her back and im like im on my way. She goes ok. I tell her get some rest and ill call you when im there, but please dont fall asleep cause that would suck. She goes ah no problem i wont my phone is on its loud setting. So i drive my ass 30 minutes south. And guess what? the girl is zzz knocked the fuck out. So my dumbass gets pissed hops back in the car and drives to los perros @ 530ish. Have a fire as hotdog and enjoy my shitty ride home. I hate that shit how about that.

Speaking in behalf of most of the people here i say SLAP A HOE :bigthumbu
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