Things that pissed u off the most!!!!

Hahahaha sorry guys

If she doesnt find out im underage as well. Im all set. Hahaha

And theres nothing in the rules i believe that says i cant post it. haha
slidewayz240sx said:
If she doesnt find out im underage as well. Im all set. Hahaha

And theres nothing in the rules i believe that says i cant post it. haha

raffi is just jealous that you are of age to hit it and he is too old. haha. i am kidding with you babe i promise.
i hate it when im at the point between sleep and awake where you right about to knock out and someone comes and bothers you and then you cant go to sleep
hahaha...yea im just jealous, i wish i was 15 yrs old again......

These young ones gotta stop eating junk food.....thats what makes them look so much older for their age....

I know your kidding babe!
pjmrnolife said:
i get pissed off by ppl that are entusiasts of racing and cars but wen the ask for a car to build up they want a heavy duty clutch but with a soft pedal feel..or a turbo but good gas mileage..or big wheels but no rubbing..a racing seat thats reclinable...lightweight but still want room for friends and a stereo..that kind of oxymoron crap
LMAO!!!!!!!! +10X :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
1-"my car is eating gas like a bitch"
2-"your boost"
1-"yea if i stay out of boost i dont waste gas"
2-"shits fast though"
1-"YEA i push it all the time"
^^ typical miami conversation^^ LMAO
I hate it when ur havin a good Dream (U know what I mean bY a Good Dream use ur imagination) and some weird shit wake u up in the middle of the night because ur alarm goes off, , or girlfriend kicks u in ur leg, or stupid mosquito sucking ur Blood outta ur face, then ur dream vanishes, u thinking inside ur head FUK!!! then u try to trick urself ur still in the dream....
i think its funny when friends get pissed at me cause id have the car stripped! i remember my parents saying wtf did you do to your car?! im like onnnn lol
TaGsThAsTreetZ said:
I hate it when ur havin a good Dream (U know what I mean bY a Good Dream use ur imagination) and some weird shit wake u up in the middle of the night because ur alarm goes off, , or girlfriend kicks u in ur leg, or stupid mosquito sucking ur Blood outta ur face, then ur dream vanishes, u thinking inside ur head FUK!!! then u try to trick urself ur still in the dream....

lol it always happends!!
TaGsThAsTreetZ said:
I hate it when ur havin a good Dream (U know what I mean bY a Good Dream use ur imagination) and some weird shit wake u up in the middle of the night because ur alarm goes off, , or girlfriend kicks u in ur leg, or stupid mosquito sucking ur Blood outta ur face, then ur dream vanishes, u thinking inside ur head FUK!!! then u try to trick urself ur still in the dream....

If there are MOSQUITOs in your room you got other problems chap
i hate it when ppl try fukin with my car at nyt nd know i have an alarm nd make me chase them 4 fukin with my car!!
So last night im on the phone with this girl im talking to until like 5am. So she tells me lets have breakfast. I say ok. So i get ready call her back and im like im on my way. She goes ok. I tell her get some rest and ill call you when im there, but please dont fall asleep cause that would suck. She goes ah no problem i wont my phone is on its loud setting. So i drive my ass 30 minutes south. And guess what? the girl is zzz knocked the fuck out. So my dumbass gets pissed hops back in the car and drives to los perros @ 530ish. Have a fire as hotdog and enjoy my shitty ride home. I hate that shit how about that.
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