The last hope for America

too impatient to watch the video. he's no fun

stephen colbert for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'd give him my first born child if i had one
Thanks for opening my eyes more about Ron Paul. Your basically doing what he said about the how the internet or "internets lol" has expose more people to information. I very happy to see that people like this in office actually exist, gives me hope. Everyone needs to watch this from start to end :bigthumbu .
Ron is a true patriot and I will support him to the end. Im in a group here in kissimmee actively campaigning for the guy.

If you want him to be president you have to vote for him to win the primaries. If he doesn't win the republican primary then we'll have some screwloose from the crop of crappy republicans and then everyone will vote hillery simply because shes a democrat.

So to vote in the primary you need to be a registered republican I used to be an independent now I've changed to republican because I believe in Dr.Paul that much. The primaries are at the beginning of next year.

Plus tell all you know about him. The mainsteam media ignores him. The revolution will not be televised.
RIGHT ON!!!! ive been a Ron Paul supporter for about 8 months now.. my eyes were opened wide up and its been a fight ever since. I watched that video this morning.. its 1 hour that will 100% express Ron Paul's views and opinions on how things should be done. I have a few links that will help anyone looking for more Ron Paul info

Ron pauls Myspace

Ron Paul's official website

My wifes Ron Paul website

also search on Google for Ron Paul, you will get YEARS of him in congress fighting for exactly what hes saying today... he doesn't flip flop to get votes, he practices what he preaches, and believes and backs it up.

need any more info PM me.

Pinner I also changed from Democrat to Republican to vote in the primary's.. As have my father, mother and wife.. My issue currently is when we vote in the primary's, those votes are counted and given to a representative to take to the republican Caucus and cast a vote for his precinct.. I cant remember the technical name of that person right now.. but.. this person is not bound to vote as the numbers have been voted.. he can cast his electoral votes however he sees fit... we need Ron Paul supporters in those positions, because we all know the main stream Republicans don't want this guy around. And we all know especially being Floridians, when some one is or isn't wanted around the Republicans make it happen as THEY seem fit.. People get involved in a Ron Paul group, check out I bet your area has a Ron Paul Meetup group.
FDrifting said:
too impatient to watch the video. he's no fun

stephen colbert for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'd give him my first born child if i had one

lol i agree and agree
I will say this about Ron Paul, he takes a firm stance on a free market. My biggest qualm against the democratic candidates is their position on the economy and how to deal with illegals, minimum wage, and welfare.
Tonymac said:
I will say this about Ron Paul, he takes a firm stance on a free market. My biggest qualm against the democratic candidates is their position on the economy and how to deal with illegals, minimum wage, and welfare.

and Ron Paul has what I consider to be great answers for all of those issues. It takes a little faith to be able to understand how he thinks.. because we are so used to typical politics and the Bullcrap that things take to get done. And some people think he doesn't know what hes talking about because it is so different than typical politics, look at the boards he serves on in congress... he knows good and well what he talks about. He slammed Juliani in one of the debates with knowledge.. Ron Paul said we were attacked on 9/11 due to our foreign policy's over the past 50 years its inspired a dislike for us in some countries and its considered blow back. Juliani (Mr. 9/11) said "Ive heard a lot of ridiculous reasons for 9/11 but this one tops them all" and then asked that Ron Paul apologize and say he didn't mean that... Ron Paul was quoting the FBI and 9/11 commission report word for word... so ridiculous its the documented and published truth! Rudi didn't even have a clue, never read the report and calls Ron Paul's quote ridiculous.. People are so used to hearing political crap when some one speaks the truth its hard to digest..
im from a Demorcat mother and Step-father and a Green party Dad.(he lives in Humboltd county cali if you know what i mean) and I'm a registered democrate but this guys seems to have his shit together. I will have to discuss Ron Paul to my family see what opinions i get.
^ Yeah do some more research on him and you'll find that he is the best man for the job. To really put forward good changes and reverse this march towards a police state style system.
silkywilson240 said:
and Ron Paul has what I consider to be great answers for all of those issues. It takes a little faith to be able to understand how he thinks.. because we are so used to typical politics and the Bullcrap that things take to get done. And some people think he doesn't know what hes talking about because it is so different than typical politics, look at the boards he serves on in congress... he knows good and well what he talks about. He slammed Juliani in one of the debates with knowledge.. Ron Paul said we were attacked on 9/11 due to our foreign policy's over the past 50 years its inspired a dislike for us in some countries and its considered blow back. Juliani (Mr. 9/11) said "Ive heard a lot of ridiculous reasons for 9/11 but this one tops them all" and then asked that Ron Paul apologize and say he didn't mean that... Ron Paul was quoting the FBI and 9/11 commission report word for word... so ridiculous its the documented and published truth! Rudi didn't even have a clue, never read the report and calls Ron Paul's quote ridiculous.. People are so used to hearing political crap when some one speaks the truth its hard to digest..

You are misquoting that debate, first off. To me, Ron Paul is idealistic at best. He thinks prostitution is OK b/c from a strictly Constitutional perspective, it's legitimate work. I know the funny guys will say "hey, that's OK with me" but be realistic here. He also thinks 911 wouldn't have happened if the pilots had carried guns and feels automatic weapons are ok in the hands of civilians b/c again, from a strict constitutional standpoint, its ok. Well the constitution can't outline every fine detail and having a federal government that ignores them b/c they were never strictly defined is outlandish to me. Puts waaaay too much faith in people. BUT, like I said, his views on certain aspects (like the economy) are spot on IMO.
I actually believe he would leave it up to indevidual states to make laws such as prostitution. where the actual tax revenue comes from effecting the actual local laws, not wide spread nation wide laws as we have today. he believes a federal government can not make effective laws that apply to every state because every state has individual needs.. Currently NV has legal prostitution, evidently it isn't a problem there. and it should be up to the civilians who pay state taxes in that state to decide whats best for them selfs. Its not really mosquitoing a subject as much as its saying we pay to much for so much we don't need that inadiquitly helps or covers most involved. The federal government is supposed to play a small role in effecting peoples lives, and today it plays HUGE roles in that. The local government of the people we directly elect who live in our communities are supposed to be the people who pass state laws.. in doing what is right for each state. As for a pilot carrying a gun.. I believe that should be the right of the airline to decide.. it is their business. I don't want the government to tell me how to run my life.. I believe the term for that is communism, and America is heading that way quickly. I don't believe I should be paying a percentage of my income to fund a lazy fucker to sit on his ass at home and eat cheetos all day either. I work, every day, I pay for unimployment, Social Security (which im to young to ever receive benefits), and Federal income tax, which is a voluntary tax, that there is no law to pay... however if I don't pay it I might end up in jail for daring to not pay the IRS... all for some one else, because i don't receive a bit of the benefits myself.. you choose is that Communism or is it Socialism? I don't care honestly I like freedom.. I like earning a honest living in which my money is mine.. not the governments, I decide who gets what from the sweat off my brow.. Again we are lead to believe this is just how life is and how it has to be... its not so people wake up...

I actually believe he would leave it up to indevidual states to make laws such as prostitution. where the actual tax revenue comes from effecting the actual local laws, not wide spread nation wide laws as we have today. he believes a federal government can not make effective laws that apply to every state because every state has individual needs.. Currently NV has legal prostitution, evidently it isn't a problem there. and it should be up to the civilians who pay state taxes in that state to decide whats best for them selfs. I'm saying we pay to much for so much we don't need that inadiquitly helps or covers most involved. The federal government is supposed to play a small role in effecting peoples lives, and today it plays HUGE roles in that. The local government of the people we directly elect who live in our communities are supposed to be the people who pass state laws.. in doing what is right for each state. As for a pilot carrying a gun.. I believe that should be the right of the airline to decide.. it is their business. I don't want the government to tell me how to run my life.. I believe the term for that is communism, and America is heading that way quickly. I don't believe I should be paying a percentage of my income to fund a lazy fucker to sit on his ass at home and eat cheetos all day either. I work, every day, I pay for unemployment, Social Security (which im to young to ever receive benefits), and Federal income tax, which is a voluntary tax, that there is no law to pay... however if I don't pay it I might end up in jail for daring to not pay the IRS... all for some one else, because i don't receive a bit of the benefits myself.. you choose is that Communism or is it Socialism? I don't care honestly I like freedom.. I like earning a honest living in which my money is mine.. not the governments, I decide who gets what from the sweat off my brow.. Again we are lead to believe this is just how life is and how it has to be... its not so people wake up... Yes I believe I misquoted the debate verbage but I can find it and it will be very similar with the exact same outcome, that Rudi didn't even read the 9/11 report, and called Ron out on it when he was the looser.

here is the link to the debate between the two..

Im to lazy to actualy type all of this...

and this gives a brief rundown of what happned.
typical poliltion just alot of talk of what you want to hear, but when he gets in he will be singing a different song. i hate to vote cause you can never tryust anyone.
Devil Man said:
typical poliltion just alot of talk of what you want to hear, but when he gets in he will be singing a different song. i hate to vote cause you can never tryust anyone.

Normally I'd agree with you but Ron is a totally differnt person then them. all you need to do is to look back 20 years... guess what he has been saying the same things since he got into congress back in the 70's. He never flip flops ever. Check out his voting record. he was one of the very few that voted against the patriot act hell he was like one of the only people who even read it. He voted against the iraq war. He has never voted for an unbalenced budget and he has never taken a government paid vacation. He refused his multimillion dollar congressional pension, also he returns a portion of his congressional pay every year to the treasury.
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