The last hope for America

I'm not reading your entire reply b/c honestly, I have a headache and the poor grammar and spelling are making it worse. I will say this however, we were subject to terrorist attacks (as is/was the rest of the free world) long before we went into Iraq. They (Al Qaeda) have sworn to kill all infidels. That means if you're not a Muslim, you are subject to death. Their mission - turn the world over into Muslims and kill all infidels - is no secret and to believe that ignoring them will keep them away is foolish. This is a holy war to them, running and hiding is not an option.

Oh and as far as federal control and laws are concerned - i really don't see federal regulations against gun control on airlines as being a bad thing. If that's communism to you, you need to read a whole lot more on that subject.
I don't remember any terrorist attacks, on Americans, specifically on American soil before 1953. In 1953 we started playing with the middle eastern politics and Put the Shaw into power. From there on we were interfering in their affairs. 44 years ago.. and its been a shit pile since.
Opening up a few too many huge cans of worms now... You really want to discuss world history and america's take on foreign policy over the the last half of a century? Lets stick with what's being said. I think my point was entirely valid. Al Qaeda will not stop hating you, me, and the rest of the non-muslim world by turning a blind eye and walking away. Its a really simple way to avoid any deep thought into foreign policy to just say "we shouldn't have been there in the first place."
Problem is attacks on Americans are escalating as we apply more force.. don't you think its possible to try and apply less force, and see what happens? obviously applying more isn't working, how many Americans died in 9/11? and how many have died in the aftermath? I bet its possible more American lives have been lost in this war then were lost in the actual attack. And where is Osama? we cant catch one guy? seems a little odd doesn't it? I'm not saying that Ron Paul's answer is the 100% proof positive way that it will 100% work.. but right now we know George Bush's plan isn't working and staying the course just means more American deaths. I believe that its time to try something different , yes possibly a lot different than whats been going on for the past 50 years. Maybe it wont make all the bad guys go away, but it can slow down recruiting more bad guys like what are operation now is doing. I think that in simple terms, blowing up peoples towns and family members all in the name of a war on terrorism makes more terrorists.. I'de be a terrorist against the people who invaded my country and killed my family in the process. wear the other shoe and its easy to see how a lot of this comes about. All in all its an opinion I have mine and you have yours.. maybe neither is wrong.. its up to the American people as a whole to decide which way we go..
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