The lack of consistency and standards in judging

I still swear that Jrod's rambling influences judging calls. How he does/does not get excited directly translates in qualifying scores even when runs look the same from various drivers. He totally pumps up some guys with a "OH HE IS COMING IN HOT AND ALMOST TAKES OUT THE CLIP HE WAS SO CLOSE, POURING SMOKE THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH AS HE PUTS ON A CLINIC"...... 4 or 5 drivers later, same run and its "He's got great speed, nice on the clip, and finishes off with some smoke to give a pretty solid run."
I still swear that Jrod's rambling influences judging calls. How he does/does not get excited directly translates in qualifying scores even when runs look the same from various drivers. He totally pumps up some guys with a "OH HE IS COMING IN HOT AND ALMOST TAKES OUT THE CLIP HE WAS SO CLOSE, POURING SMOKE THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH AS HE PUTS ON A CLINIC"...... 4 or 5 drivers later, same run and its "He's got great speed, nice on the clip, and finishes off with some smoke to give a pretty solid run."

Ben for new official FD announcer !!
I still swear that Jrod's rambling influences judging calls. How he does/does not get excited directly translates in qualifying scores even when runs look the same from various drivers. He totally pumps up some guys with a "OH HE IS COMING IN HOT AND ALMOST TAKES OUT THE CLIP HE WAS SO CLOSE, POURING SMOKE THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH AS HE PUTS ON A CLINIC"...... 4 or 5 drivers later, same run and its "He's got great speed, nice on the clip, and finishes off with some smoke to give a pretty solid run."

This was a true statement for Formula D PBIR. I swear some of the pro am runs were greatly influenced by his mouth.
But isn't that J-Rod's job as an announcer? Or would you rather him be like Jacob Levington on driftstream. If the judges choose to listen to him than thats on them. They should not be influenced by any outside forces within the company, it should only be the crowd and the display of drifting being done in front of them that determines on who moves and who doesn't.

Every form of judged sport is going to have its controversies, and in the end its gonna be up to FD on how the situation is handled. Otherwise its going to be their demise. And as of lately its seems that controversy is what FD wants right now to help bring in the crowds and get their name out there. Especially after seeing how much controversy and talk was generated after the JTP vs Daigo incident in Palm Beach.
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FD rules!! you guys are just jealous! Judging is perfect! Judges have different angle they see much better they have eagle eyes with xray vision!
FD is a MOTORSPORT SHOW!!! to please crowds just like monster trucks are only difference is that they have paid judges instead of letting the spectators do the judging ( which is what they should do) Drifting has NOTHING to do with a real motorsport!!! And it will NEVER EVER be seen as one till they come with a away of judging with telemetry like driftbox etc... where there is no human judge to determine the outcome. as long as there is humans judging it is not a sport it is a SHOW!!!! so who gives a fuck who wins and looses as long as the show is good!!!!!
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If they let the crowd be the judge we wouldn't get past the first battle. Every call would be omt.
The sport is becoming like every other sport out there. There are politics behind the scenes that the public eye does not see. it is ilke every other competitive sport out there
If they let the crowd be the judge we wouldn't get past the first battle. Every call would be omt.

Thats the biggest problem there should never be a OMT that whole rule is stupid take the Daigo VS Conrad run Daigo lost by not even driving on the same race track his line was so fucking far off that he was in Chicago when conrad was still in New jersey yet they did a one more time ! Really! The tandem judging has to be the worst system ever only thing they care about anymore is "proximity" that is NOT DRIFTING for all you noobs out there. It has always been about follow car being able to mimick the lead car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the follow cars angle is less! he is loosing!! if his line is off the course and lead cars is not he lost. If either car hits the clipping point which is supposed to be treated as a WALL (wall=totalled car) u lost. when they start to judge with 5-5 one car makes a mistake the other driver gets a point? WTF!! judges should just always deduct points never ever under any reason should they add points. Seems like most people have their heads so far up FD ass that if they make judging chances that are so major that changes the whole sport from drifting to bicycle racing most people would be like OH that sound awesome!!!!
But isn't that J-Rod's job as an announcer? Or would you rather him be like Jacob Levington on driftstream. If the judges choose to listen to him than thats on them. They should not be influenced by any outside forces within the company, it should only be the crowd and the display of drifting being done in front of them that determines on who moves and who doesn't.

what you are saying is correct, but I feel it doesn't happen that way and the judges DO let his influence in.
i remember when fd counted it as a zero if put one tire off course or touched a clipping point what ever happened to that? oh yeah it was leading to da drivers loosing now i remember
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