The I love it when thread (So we can counter balance the Kharma)

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jdmnismo300 said:
i love it wen smidget says "flippin" so0oo00o00oo0 gayyy lol

You know you love it!!! damn skippy <-- even gayyer!!! lol

i love pizza but not so much getting soda spilled on me!
i love manny in his new glasses.
i love primantis
i love mike, and i love that i drank both his XXX's lol. (the drink, people -_-)
I love that past heartaches don't bother me anymore.
I love that even though I suck with directions, I finally learned how to get to your house
I love that I'm happy right now.
I love cupcakes.
I love Christian Bale movies like Equilibrium & The Machinist.
drftnR14 said:
i love it when girls swallow! :bigthumbu


i love it when i find out how to ping a server non-stop...and know it will piss the owner off :cool:

i love it when my g/f comes and wakes me up in the morning
i love it when i find a video camera on ebay for $10, no reserve
whiterabbit7500 said:

i love it when i find out how to ping a server non-stop...and know it will piss the owner off :cool:

You would be sorry if you did that to any of my servers.
I love it when I Get Hired for a close enough almost Dream JOB!!!!!!!! They Just CalleD I got the JOB!! WOOOOOOOOHOoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love it when little girls think that they are better than you and try to act hard. it cracks me up.
i love the idea of my car being finshed one day.
i love it when i get on this website, it makes me happy always.
i love it when i take a friend to his first strip club, and hes all nervous...but by the end of the night hes corrupted
i love strippers with big boobs/ass and know how to use it
i love sex
i love 240's
i love the fact that im going to get my license and my car around the same time!!!
i love the fact that im going to learn how to slidee :driving: :D :D
I love it when I open fridg, there a whole bunch of Formula 50 Vitiman Water waiting for meeh! ^__^

I love it when he wakes me up in the middle of the night, so he can spoon meeh!

I love it when my dad talks about guns around him, and he doesn't blink.. he just smiles and sits closer to meeh.
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