The best video I have ever seen

Tonymac said:
There's only one Lord and that's the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Anybody who's read Harry Potter knows this. I mean come on, Horcruxes!!! Can you do that? Dark Lord willing, maybe - but without his greatness, never.

I'm sorry if any of you think the twin towers, or any of the towers were purposefully detonated by our government. I'm especially sorry if you thoughtlessly follow the beliefs perpetuated by pseudo-science and speculation. I've researched, discussed, and argued this situation more times than I care to however, so don't expect another argument from me. If you want scientific fact, read up on what countless engineers from around the world have to say about 9-11 conspiracies and myths. :'(

Did you watch the video?
^ Nothing they have said explains building WT building 7. I simple office fire Took that whole building down at once.... yeah no
Tonymac said:
Yes. Have you ever researched anything other than conspirists' speculations?

Yea. Ive done a little bit of research, probably not as in depth as you have. But I was just wondering if you watched the video and if it changed anything.
Actually, you haven't read enough. You're a smart guy too Paul and I'm quite shocked you've fallen victim these conspiracy theories.

Blah, I'm not arguing. Paranoid people will always spew anti-American nonsense at each other, have bonfires about how Bush is a Nazi, complain about your tax money going to rich men, ect. You are too lost in falling for the BS of the most corrupt organization this country has EVER seen - the media. If you want to see some fucked up shit, look into the media. Read Culture War to start. Gomment aint got shit on the media.
yes america is corrupted and none of you unterstand it throughly before you live few years in the other countryes.
and i mean you have to work pay taxes and live in the other countryes, that is the only way to undrstand how things are howe they could be and maybe (i think it is impossible) how they should be.

but i agree with tonymac though do not waste your time in conspiracy theories..
they are THEORIES.
and if something in the coverment bothers you it is good to talk but i chanses little if no body doesn't to anything.
colleckt a address and send it to your coverment that at least should start something.

the biggest thing that bothers me in this country is tha the president is a dictator.
how is it possible that he can ovver rule the cenate.???
in finland he has only right to make the senate reconsider but if people by the coise of sanate decites something the president can not over ride it.

wowh now i have contributed my vois in to american politics :D :D :D :D :D
Actually if you all make Hannu and I the rulers of this country, we'll everything FUCKING PERFECT.
At lest you guys are thinking outside the box. In most cases, we, the press, and almost everyone else just don't have enough information to really know anything. So the closer you get to throwing your hands in the air and screaming I DONT KNOW!!!!!....... the closer you are to the truth.

The best teacher on the subject is history itself. Look to the past, find the same situation. Chances are the truth that later came out is the same as whatever is happening right now.
Sean Love said:
The best teacher on the subject is history itself. Look to the past, find the same situation. Chances are the truth that later came out is the same as whatever is happening right now.

Quoted for truth.

Also Tony I read the Popular mechanics article on 911 and im sorry I smell bullshit, If you are so distrustful of the media why do you believe them.

Plus I have been reading popular mechanics since I was 7 and the stories haven been getting dumbed down over the years so much so I don't subscribe anymore.

Also do a favor for me. Type in Professional demolition into google and watch what comes up
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Actually piner, check out the interiors of those professionally demolished buildings, see what comes up, then explain how all those buildings got rigged with nobody noticing and then crashed with no explosions. 3 windows blowing out can easily be explained by preassure build up and "explosions" people "heard" can easily be explained by city living (never been?) - when one cop has a siren on, it sounds like 20. Troof. Oh and thermite now? With nobody noticing. Come on. Next year it will be lasers in the sky melting the support structures.

Oh and yes, pop sci is media but you know darn well what I'm referring to.
and if something in the coverment bothers you it is good to talk but i chanses little if no body doesn't to anything.
colleckt a address and send it to your coverment that at least should start something.

the biggest thing that bothers me in this country is tha the president is a dictator.
how is it possible that he can ovver rule the cenate.???
in finland he has only right to make the senate reconsider but if people by the coise of sanate decites something the president can not over ride it.

wowh now i have contributed my vois in to american politics :D :D :D :D :D
thats Aaron Russo's site for his movie, the guy who knew Nick Rockefeller.
Hes actually trying to get americans to stand up..

BUMP 4 a great video that should open the eyes of a lot of Americans..
whether your believe the theory or not..
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Tonymac said:
Actually piner, check out the interiors of those professionally demolished buildings, see what comes up, then explain how all those buildings got rigged with nobody noticing and then crashed with no explosions. 3 windows blowing out can easily be explained by preassure build up and "explosions" people "heard" can easily be explained by city living (never been?) - when one cop has a siren on, it sounds like 20. Troof. Oh and thermite now? With nobody noticing. Come on. Next year it will be lasers in the sky melting the support structures.

Oh and yes, pop sci is media but you know darn well what I'm referring to.

Its the Government of the United States of America. Im sure they can find ways to plant things in buildings without anyone knowing... Not saying its true, just saying.
You obviously haven't seen what goes into a demolition! Especially one of the caliber of the trade centers and surrounding buildings. Not only that, "the government" is not one singular entity. With the amount of branches that would be needed to orchestrate an operation to that degree, the number of personnel involved, and support required - don't you think SOMEBODY would have botched up somewhere leading to one shred of tangible evidence? I mean, loads of people would have been involved - everyday people like you and me. People make mistakes. People feel guilt. Somebody would have left a trail behind or confessed their knowledge by now. Not only that, there was no detonation! A perfectly silent, perfectly invisible, and perfectly orchestrated mass scale demolition of multiple 24/7/365 populated buildings would be impossible. You give our "government" too much credit IMO if you think otherwise.

Actually, lasers in the sky are more believable to me.
Tonymac said:
You obviously haven't seen what goes into a demolition! Especially one of the caliber of the trade centers and surrounding buildings. Not only that, "the government" is not one singular entity. With the amount of branches that would be needed to orchestrate an operation to that degree, the number of personnel involved, and support required - don't you think SOMEBODY would have botched up somewhere leading to one shred of tangible evidence? I mean, loads of people would have been involved - everyday people like you and me. People make mistakes. People feel guilt. Somebody would have left a trail behind or confessed their knowledge by now. Not only that, there was no detonation! A perfectly silent, perfectly invisible, and perfectly orchestrated mass scale demolition of multiple 24/7/365 populated buildings would be impossible. You give our "government" too much credit IMO if you think otherwise.

Actually, lasers in the sky are more believable to me.

Im just trying to keep an open mind and not completley say GOVERNMENT DIDNT DO IT or DAMN NAZI BUSH DID IT. Maybe I give the government too much credit, or maybe you dont give enough? Idk, I havent truley made my decision until I find hard evidence either way.
5 days prior to the attack they had a full powerdown of the world trade centers which they have never done before in the buildings history, people reported seing hundreds of construction workers going in and out of the buildings. The powerdown lasted for 2 days where only construction personelle were allowed in the building. They said they were "upgrading" the wiring in the building. Before then the WTC always had bomb sniffing dogs on duty every day of the week since the first WTC bombing in 1993. But after the powerdown the dogs and their handlers were nowhere to be seen.
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idk about the whole part of the bombs inside the WTC...but do i believe that Bush knew about the attacks, butlet them happen because it would give him a reason to justify war and save his presidency? hell yes
Piner said:
5 days prior to the attack they had a full powerdown of the world trade centers which they have never done before in the buildings history, people reported seing hundreds of construction workers going in and out of the buildings. The powerdown lasted for 2 days where only construction personelle were allowed in the building. They said they were "upgrading" the wiring in the building. Before then the WTC always had bomb sniffing dogs on duty every day of the week since the first WTC bombing in 1993. But after the powerdown the dogs and their handlers were nowhere to be seen.

Well there you go.
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