The best video I have ever seen


This movie was going around yesterday and I just finally finished it. It starts out in the dark just so you know nothing is wrong with your puter. Before you watch this if you choose to understand that your belief system could be shattered and you are taking a step to truthful realization by watching this. I realized something that I should say to you all from this movie. That is I love you. I should have started out saying this along time ago to you all. I love you that is why I am here and that is why I am trying to expose this scum that has duped our wonderful country time and time again into wars and depressions.
I can't ignore it and I can't sit back or go back to sleep sometimes I wish I could. Sometimes I wish I was just some dumb kid again who didn't know anything but I'm not. I'm a grown man who knows too much I think sometimes. I don't know everything and sometimes I think I don't know anything but I do know I love you I must or why else would I be doing this for what reason or purpose would I have?
If this is what I think it is...I dont even have to watch it...the federal reserve owns us all...or at least thats what there trying to get at...its bullshit. Money runs this country...not the voters...

slidewayz240sx said:
If this is what I think it is...I dont even have to watch it...the federal reserve owns us all...or at least thats what there trying to get at...its bullshit. Money runs this country...not the voters...

my dad has been researching the exact same type of stuff all my life, so i basically grew up around this, and knew from an extremely early age not to trust government...and still don't. This government is fucked up beyond belief, and then everyone wonders why the rest of the world hates us. It's not because we're so cool, and so great, and that they "hate liberty" like that moron in the white house is always saying. It's because we let them turn this country to shit. I'm not gonna get into details as to why, because I know for a fact i'll upset alot of people, and I don't want any drama or b/s.
wow this movie just made a big impact on my life... thank u piner im still watchin it im in part2...all these holes that i had no understanding on catholism is starting to sort out. its crazy to know that most of this stuff this back up with more research towards religion...
thanks for sharing this idk know what this mean but i love all of u 2
"It empowers those who know the truth, but use the myth to manipulate and control societies."

Wow, just wow. This video, the research, the FACTS. Are all incredible. Everyone needs to see this. NOW.

Thanks for posting this piner. I love you too man.
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yes these thoughts I have had most of my life since i had the great opportunity of being home schooled I read alot of my history books, but I thought I was the only one who had these thoughts and that I was just paranoid. This video put it all together.
i cant watch the vid right now, too late. but i will.

im guessing its like farenheit 911 and loose change?

the loose change one is amazing, big reality check of how twisted things are. amazing how millions of people are blinded and owned by the media. its actually mind boggling.

it wont be long til it all comes crashing down. mark my words.
omg yo i fuckn watched it, n i cried yo...
i think that shit should be spread around..
but then again, if you, that would turn the world crazy..
its all about your mind yo.
cause then again that could be a lie.
NOT SAYIN IT IS, but then again youd really have to research
but like they said, the tube controls you.


live it up
What bothers me the most, is that everything will happen. "The American Union", RFDI chips, control. The only thing that will count in an individual's life will be their memories and whatever makes them happy and that certain point in time.
" when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the World will know peace"

one of the best quotes i have ever heard , ma boy - Jimi Hendrix

i stay up all night watching this film i got to work 2:00 hours from now :)

See this film its way better than Farenhit911 and the other one :bigthumbu
yeah its crazy, I finnally feel sort of vindicated in the way I have never bought into religion even when I was very young I reconised that the bible just seemed like a bunch of fairy tales with a different name.
WHat the F*ck man! I was in the middle of the Jesus stuff (30min in...end of part one I guess) and my speakers went BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP and my computer shut off. Dude, Im fucking creeped out right now, its 3am.... someones not sleeping. Im going to try to watch the rest now.
4:47am, Just finished the whole video. Good movie, opens your eyes to things. But I already knew everything in part 2 and 3.
There's only one Lord and that's the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Anybody who's read Harry Potter knows this. I mean come on, Horcruxes!!! Can you do that? Dark Lord willing, maybe - but without his greatness, never.

I'm sorry if any of you think the twin towers, or any of the towers were purposefully detonated by our government. I'm especially sorry if you thoughtlessly follow the beliefs perpetuated by pseudo-science and speculation. I've researched, discussed, and argued this situation more times than I care to however, so don't expect another argument from me. If you want scientific fact, read up on what countless engineers from around the world have to say about 9-11 conspiracies and myths. :'(
see, i was one of those blind people yo..
i mean wen u hear shit and it kinda doesnt make since
where do you go 2 hear the truth?
now the Chip thingy @ the end, i try no to take serious...
but very possible.
men w/ that much power?? and money?? and control?

im only 19, but its like if i was married for 19 yrs, n my wife told me the WHOLE marriage was a lie, a fake. hit me kinda hard, truth hurts, and not enough people 'care' enough to do anything about it. people these days are brainwashed like crazy.

#1 Video =D
Piner said:
yeah its crazy, I finnally feel sort of vindicated in the way I have never bought into religion even when I was very young I reconised that the bible just seemed like a bunch of fairy tales with a different name.

+1. my father was hardcore into religion, and although it reallllly sucked having religion thrust upon you from a young age, I'm kind of glad, because I can now see much clearer what should be. I finally came to the realization that you have to believe what YOU believe is right, and what gives YOU peace. not what everyone else thinks or wants.
Don't get me wrong, the Bible is an amazing book, and Jesus was himself an amazing person. Now do I believe that he is a messiah? That he was the litteral "Son Of God"? That he arose from the dead and returned to Heaven? No, mainly because I do not see any SCIENTIFIC evidence to support that. But do I believe in his teachings, and that his teachings should be followed? YES, absolutly.

I haven't had a chance to watch the vid yet, because I'm at school. But I will deff watch it tomorrow, or even tonight hopefully.

"He who does not see things in their depth should not call himself a radical."
“The first duty of a man is to think for himselfâ€

- Jose Marti​
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