Ter-Tech NOPI Qualifier Feedback Thread


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Post your thoughts, likes, dislikes, or whatever you want to say about the event. Ter-Tech can use the information you provide to help make the next event better.
Thanks to ter tech for a great event. i blew my clutch and my motor is knockn. i was mad happy with my last two runs linked most of the track with no spins. Jimbo u were killn shit.
Even was fricken awesome, loved it, except that i was told i did my last run at 12:30, most likely cus of the karters, but it was awesome and i think we should really have an event that goes really really long time:bigthumbu
Whell at first I didn't llike it because of the slow speeds but once I drove it a couple times it wasn't too bad I like the skidpad better though.then I move to the road course and that was a blast. The munjipart was hard but I liked it a lot better. Then I hit the wall and that sucked but great event so I gve it an A minus
meh i didnt like it at all!!! probably becuase there was sooo much going on. i mean i didnt c the event start till 6 45pm around that time. thats wen they actually got lined up. then the little blue miata keept on running the track to check up on the lights. then wen they finally got going after every spun out the tracks the ambulance had to check on them thats good and all but damn it took about 20 minutes for them to get back in order. then idk wat happend but every like 3 runs i would see the drivers meeting lmao. and then idk if it was just me but it seems to me like the midea ppl taking photos would mess up the drivers run due to the flash. alot of ppl saw dat. oh yea and ppl talking about big blocks vs small block hill billy talk. and i left at 1 30 am and nothing after trd88supra's scratch on the wall. and kart track. i say keep it for the go karts.
it was a good event but some people on the road course belonged on the kart track....

man that blue 350 was tearing it up hehe
it seems to me like the media people taking photos would mess up the drivers run due to the flash
im sorry for that it was just reall hard to shoot in the position we were in and well i think the straight away light blinded them more than the flash lol but other than that great job guy's i saw alot of sick runs and does anybody know who got the licenses....left early lol
and then idk if it was just me but it seems to me like the midea ppl taking photos would mess up the drivers run due to the flash.

Dude, the track lights were blinding the drivers more than our flashes. I didn't see ANY driver spin out because of a camera's flash the whole night.

I loved the event, it's just so hard to shoot with no light. But there was a lot going on, a little bit for everyone and really really good driving.:bigthumbu
so what happen to chris with the 2j in the 240 he crashed??? i left early
Just got home now, overall it was a decent event... The kart track looked like fun!

As far as who got the licence, both estie and ryan did... I think they got a "provisional License" meaning they have to go to alteast 2 nopi events and score a certain amount of points. Correct me if I am wrong..

Thanks again harri!

so what happen to chris with the 2j in the 240 he crashed??? i left early

yea i still dont know exctly y the carfelt a little funny and the fuel ignition and fan fuses were blown and the rear driver tire was flat and i hit on the passenger side. idk ill look it over when i wake up. as for damage it really isnt bad at all. ill post pics of the damage
just wanted to make sure you were kool lmao came close a few times before i left thou
The Nopi Provisional licenses work as a temporary evaluation period to see how you do at a Pro level event.

You get one or two event provisional, which to keep / earn a licence you have to at minimum be within 65% (as of now) of the #1 qualifier of the weekend for the number of events you are allowed initially go to to keep your license. This is something we just got done wrapping up on, theres several instances where looking back some people deserved a provisional but there were only full's available at the time and we still have some drivers who werent within 65% last year that may be grandfathered in this year.

How did you guys like the judging?

If you have anything you think Nopi should hear feel more than free to post it over at http://www.nopiforums.com/index.php?showforum=91 as well as here.
I just walked in the door finally, im going to bed, fuck you all

snootch to the mother fucking nootch
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i had a blast at the event, played on both courses all night, no problems, wait wasnt bad, i do think on the advanced course, lighting could have been a little better, mainly on the corner at the end of the straight, but wasnt a big deal, honestly the camera flash conversation, they didnt bother me at all, had a great time, hope they do these more often
also i think day time would have been way better for the drivers and would have dont better, or if it was as clear as kart track.
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