South Miami Meet

yea ima go but i cant drift a 29837429837 pound caprice lol guess ill just spectate... im deff going to ride along tho if some one would be cool with that...who am i supposed to pay tho? >>> newbie first event
u pay at the gate, and if u go save the ticket stub so u can get spectator status and with that comes the avatar and sig
yeah all you have to do is have fun forget about being impressing people and go over there with the idea of learning your car and wala you go orange and you can have a sig and avatar. :D:D
id rather learn on a 240 i could wait till next month and buy my carito ... besides i dont know how to drift i think learing in an auto 2934823 pound caprice wont help
oh hells yea everyone put in monies for beers lol were going to have to park all the way in the corner then so the cops wont see us.. fuck that im getting a 12pack next week some one get the pizzas lol
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