South Miami Meet

Fucking shit I slept good. My bad about dozing off. I pulled a 12 hour day yesterday and I work today at 9. Thanks to everyone that came and I'm glad no one got pulled over. Fucking cops all over because someone got shot or something.

that shine was good brah because you'll be saying something doze off and then continue with the story like if nothing happen. Yo and your co-worker with the with the honda *cough* is a funny kat
He's a good kid. He doesn't know anything about cars and he's seen my project from the beginning so he gets real exited.
im not putting him down or nothing just saying that he was funny.... Like i said before when you put andy and the crew in the mix you dont get a meet you get a meet up point for the party! :D you dont wake up kinda hung over from meets.
i want another luther right now....:bigthumbu Had a good time, burgers, moon shine and just chilling was cool. Glad no one got pulled over when leaving with all those fucking cops.
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sooooo......... whens the next one? i didnt see any cops on the way home. even tho i blaster by one apparently ( which i have no idea if thats tru because i didnt see him) on the way to andys.... i was wondering why everyone was going so slow :D
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