South Miami Meet

k00lest lozer:];419993 said:
ok this may be a stupid question,but to you mean 2-3 AM or 2-3 PM lol?

lol yeah pm...

i drive from kendall every wensday to the meet location. I dont know why you guys complain. Just make the drive.

well it'll be easier for some of the people who just cant make it. Im not complaining, i can easily make that drive...just think its better to have one close to the other ppl down here.
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heres my # 3059756614 if u guys have any questions or get lost. you can hit up coolandy007 to ask him questions as well. please no late booty calls lol

HEEEEELLLLLLLL NO HOMIE. This is your show. I'm just showing up to hang out. I'm glad you took charge of this meet and bbq thing. I think it's going to be great. :bigthumbu
HEEEEELLLLLLLL NO HOMIE. This is your show. I'm just showing up to hang out. I'm glad you took charge of this meet and bbq thing. I think it's going to be great. :bigthumbu

Um..did you forget, this was your idea..i just put got the motion started. Your comp just didnt work so assume that your the captain of this ship.:bigthumbu
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My computer works just fine homie. Look at all the stuff I've posted lately. So yeah, it was an idea I had but all my planning wasn't going anywhere. You are a visionary and a trailblazer and I applaud you on this. Anyways, I work and you have this whole week off, you got plenty of time to work out the details.

I vote for a meet on tuesday night at the starbucks you where talking about.
Ok well what we can do is have next sunday(Jan 18th) is have a meet/bbq. From there we can decide to have the meets Tuesday by the starbucks around 9pm and have a bbq on sunday.

btw mike said he'll go to the bbq next sunday.
meeting for a bunch of noobs :laugh:. Meets are gay anyways jus a bunch of pplz standing around talking shit I'm straight on dat shit.
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