South Miami Meet

i'll help joo









you can't miss it :laugh:
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^ it actually worked lmao. tonites meet was even better. looking forward to the next one:bigthumbu
Super cold!! in covers!!! i felt kinda weird being in a soccer mom van while every one there had a 240... hopefully i get mine soon!! before Feb ends maybe mid Feb
pretty sweet turn out... glad i went.

but yea it was fucking COLD!!

I'm going to try and get my car moving this weekend so that i can i least show up in my car lol... at least i still showed up in a nissan (frontier lol)
Good to meet everyone tonight. Good call at my house from my neighbor warning about the tow truck. Fucking Jackass.
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fuk it il be there next week would have went today but totally forgot u guys should come to our meets up north today
lol i over heard someone saying we needed name tags for the meets that's a good idea or sfldrifters jerseys with our user names on the back.
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