Sony Ericsson Open


Luis R.
I went to the Sony Ericsson Open this weekend and practically really used my camera and shot manual mode for the first time. It was mostly fully cloudy and I was using some 70-300mm dinosaur lens a buddy lent me.

Please tell me what I need to work on. Thanks!










And I cant find a panoramic editor for free so this will have to do till I find one. =(

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Good stuff bro. From what you say you didn't have the best equipment but you made it work for you pretty well.

Very good for you're first time in manual. It's all about practice and keeping up with it.
Good for just starting off as everyone else stated. When I get my new cam ima hit you up so we can start shooting.
Thanks for the responses everyone! I noticed that the photos aren't as crisp after I converted them to jpeg. Is that normal or its just my imagination?

I <3 the sony ericsson. I will be there for the finals..
No way! Can I be your date?!

Good for just starting off as everyone else stated. When I get my new cam ima hit you up so we can start shooting.
Sweet! Im down!
Thanks for the responses everyone! I noticed that the photos aren't as crisp after I converted them to jpeg. Is that normal or its just my imagination?

No way! Can I be your date?!

Sweet! Im down!

LOL tickets aint cheap for the finals lol if you get your own tickets we can chill there and get some drinks!!
Good for just starting off as everyone else stated. When I get my new cam ima hit you up so we can start shooting.

When you go with him make sure you listen to everything he tells you......then do the opposite and you will have awesome pictures

haha jk
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