Someone wanna tell me WTF this is???

Well this is fun. I watched the vid like once and I can see clearly what happened. Dean in the nissan miss shifted at the clip. You can see him flying in with all that momentum while vaughn was holding back due to his off course in the previous round. Vaughn was probably pissed due to being matched up with this inconsistent driver and was gonna teach him a lesson. He had plenty of time to stop he knew what he was doing and the judges did too. If your gonna hold your line you better keep up the pace or get out of the way. Vaughn should have got knocked out for blatantly ramming another car for going to slow but this is American drifting a little more bias and gun happy. All and all I see all three partys at falt here.

Also id like to say from the bottom of my heart to anyone on this forum who has a problem with a little debate over the pro series of this sport. GET OFF THIS FORUM AND GO PLAY TENNIS YOU FREEKIN RETARDS!!!!!! Its sflDRFITERS.Its a drifting forum you talk about drifting that's what you do. Every time someone has a thread about FD or D1 everyone's like who cares bla bla bla. STFU and get a life we all watch the pro series there's nothing wrong with a little gripe and debate!
so wait, you're saying JR plowed into this jabroni on purpose?? So he wrecked up his own car to teach this guy a lesson????
Even though JR has THE BEST crew in Formula D, he isnt going to purposely wreck up his car to teach some little nerd a lesson.
so wait, you're saying JR plowed into this jabroni on purpose?? So he wrecked up his own car to teach this guy a lesson????
Even though JR has THE BEST crew in Formula D, he isnt going to purposely wreck up his car to teach some little nerd a lesson.

well if jr really was pissed he might have let his frustration get the better of him and just said fuck it in the heat of it all.
so wait, you're saying JR plowed into this jabroni on purpose?? So he wrecked up his own car to teach this guy a lesson????
Even though JR has THE BEST crew in Formula D, he isnt going to purposely wreck up his car to teach some little nerd a lesson.

Wow he broke his bumper... Big cost to him for a factory driver. Yes he drove into him on purpoes watch the on board vid he drives strait into him.Unless he passed out I dont see how he could have missed the fact the lead car in front of him wasent mooving.
Wow he broke his bumper... Big cost to him for a factory driver. Yes he drove into him on purpoes watch the on board vid he drives strait into him.Unless he passed out I dont see how he could have missed the fact the lead car in front of him wasent mooving.

hahaha ok. Nvm bro. You're too stuck on hating formula D stuff. None of those doods would ever purposely chance their cars just to prove a point.
i think it's pretty shitty to run in to the lead, but he did scrub to snail speeds on that apex with tons of road left.

i would have called go again to see a definitive win/lose
hahaha ok. Nvm bro. You're too stuck on hating formula D stuff. None of those doods would ever purposely chance their cars just to prove a point.

I dont hate formula D I just hate the blind bias Judges. I thingk formula D is great. Dont agree with some of there stances on how they govern there series but you can never get it perfect. You dont have to be black and white with formula D there are gray areas. The simple fact is if you hit the car in front of you if there still in a drift you get a zero .That is what happend and the guy won. So thats what you call a upset it happens all the time. Its not Formula D hatin yo. Its just logical judging that were not seeing in this particular instance. If you got ran into and that guy won I guarantee you would have something to say, and it wouldent be pro the guy who drove into you.:driving:
There is a newer rule I heard from this weekend. If The follow car hits the lead car in a braking zone, the follow car zeros for not being able to drive behind someone. If the follow car hits the lead car in a full throttle zone, and doesnt mess the lead cars line up, its all fair.

Where JR hit dean, that was an area where both cars should have been full throttle. Dean parked it. there ya go. That simple.
There is a newer rule I heard from this weekend. If The follow car hits the lead car in a braking zone, the follow car zeros for not being able to drive behind someone. If the follow car hits the lead car in a full throttle zone, and doesnt mess the lead cars line up, its all fair.

Where JR hit dean, that was an area where both cars should have been full throttle. Dean parked it. there ya go. That simple.

No way dude. Any sane racing series... Clearly bias judges...

Vaughn was probably pissed due to being matched up with this inconsistent driver and was gonna teach him a lesson.

You tell some really funny jokes.
Hopefully you watched Jersey because JR was put up against Jim Guthrie- THE WORST and most inconsistent driver out there this past weekend.
JR definitely taught him a lesson, by giving him a billion car lengths- enough to even cause a OMT because he didn't apply enough pressure to the lead car.

Get over yourself.
You tell some really funny jokes.
Hopefully you watched Jersey because JR was put up against Jim Guthrie- THE WORST and most inconsistent driver out there this past weekend.
JR definitely taught him a lesson, by giving him a billion car lengths- enough to even cause a OMT because he didn't apply enough pressure to the lead car.

Get over yourself.

That gap was just so he could have more ramming speed if Guthrie parked it on him! Duh!
You tell some really funny jokes.
Hopefully you watched Jersey because JR was put up against Jim Guthrie- THE WORST and most inconsistent driver out there this past weekend.
JR definitely taught him a lesson, by giving him a billion car lengths- enough to even cause a OMT because he didn't apply enough pressure to the lead car.

Get over yourself.


Oh im sooo full of myself let me tell you.
Obviously JR rammed him because knew exactly what the total damage would be, and that it would only be the bumper. He moonlights as a psychic.

I walked into his shop once and he just looked up and said, "I've been expecting you. Please stand on the towel." How the FUCK did he know I was going to piss my pants!!! CRAZY!!
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