some help sliding with ebrake


I usually wouldn't post to ask something like this but i wanted some input. Since iv started sliding iv always had a good clutch have usually always clutch kicked or power over type thing. But I just recently got my ebrake fixed up and it locks up well, but really cant use it all to well sometimes i pull to hard or not hard enough and it was really bothering me because last event my clutch was pretty much done and thats all i had to rely on. My main issue i noticed was entering earlier, pulling it then id dive in too much and end up under-steering. Im not sure if im just holding it too long or if i just need to yank it one good time then come of clutch and just regulate accelerating and clutching in and out. pulling ebrake again. My main thing is i want to start learning to come in earlier since i wasn't able to do that with clutch without some manji'ing.
Idk if I can explain this.


If you're ebraking, you're comin in too hot, or too high in RPMS to clutch kick. So like, Clutch in, pull the brake one good hard time and get your angle. If needed do like hard short grabs of it to extend out to where you need to be, then hard on the throttle. The car is not going to set in a drift, until you are on throttle.
Idk if I can explain this.


If you're ebraking, you're comin in too hot, or too high in RPMS to clutch kick. So like, Clutch in, pull the brake one good hard time and get your angle. If needed do like hard short grabs of it to extend out to where you need to be, then hard on the throttle. The car is not going to set in a drift, until you are on throttle.

I get what your saying , i was trying to just hold the ebrake up too long then getting on the throttle too late. Lets say your doing like hard short grabs between the process of letting the ebrake down and then up again would you be going back to throttle than back to clutching in then back to throttle?
I get what your saying , i was trying to just hold the ebrake up too long then getting on the throttle too late. Lets say your doing like hard short grabs between the process of letting the ebrake down and then up again would you be going back to throttle than back to clutching in then back to throttle?


Idk man.
I dont do that, and it seems to work well for me. Sometimes its needed, but not like super quick on, off, on, off, on, off kinda shit. Just clutch in and drag works for me. Im trying now to just go so fucking full bore that I only need one serious e-brake grab, then slammed back on throttle.
Idk man.
I dont do that, and it seems to work well for me. Sometimes its needed, but not like super quick on, off, on, off, on, off kinda shit. Just clutch in and drag works for me. Im trying now to just go so fucking full bore that I only need one serious e-brake grab, then slammed back on throttle.

yes that works better haul azz snatch slide power into it. but for what hes saying and he seems to be kinda new and learning is come in sorta hard snatch that mfer one good pull count one then release clutch kick and power into it it needed clutch in snatch and repeat until u get the angle and speed u want but remember once your side ways dont be scared of crazy angle u can work the car either direction u want inside of turn or out just play with the wheel its really just feeling and knowing the car the turn and how to use it all together..just my opinion. but everyone drives different whatever u feel is good nd looks good stick with that.
ok soo, I'm probably just saying what pat was trying to say but in a different way. I was practicing this a bit this weekend and what i did was I would go up to a turn, clutch in, pull the ebrake, kinda turn the wheel the direction i want to go and then as the car is starting to get sideways and you begin to countersteer you gotta finda that sweet spot where you release the break and go with throttle. its more a practice thing than anything..

But I was like you where I would basically rely on clutch kicking, and when I would enter something clutch kicking, I would be at a certain speed, but while doing the same turn with an ebrake entry, you gotta go faster into the turn because the ebrake will slow you down and you want to keep that momentum the best you can..

hope that helps. I'm no expert by any means, but so far thats what I have kinda played around with...

Also, I suggest watching in car videos and seeing what other people are doing and how they use the ebrake cuz it can do a lot of different things in different circumstances..
yeah basiclly had no good runs at this past cfrc event trying to pratice with ebrake couldnt figure out what i was doing wrong. I was originally coming in 2nd but then i started coming in 3rd then id down shift to 2 second after pulling brake and getting ready to gas again but i was just way off and holding the ebrake too long. All input was very much helpful, thanks.
Lemme show ya some vids. Hang the eff on

Nevermind. Can't post vids on my phone. Search formula d road Atlanta in car. There's a real awesome vid of forseberg. Watch that. Then try to find one f Conrad gruenwald in the vette in car. Some of the best wheel handling I've ever seen.

And duramax kid, you kinda just spewed some incorect info at this dood. Like If I entered and did what you said, if I even made it through the entry, it would be the fight of my life.

He's talking about entering with ebrake. There's so many different ways to explain this. Hopefully Jason sees this and explains, if not, I'll explain tomorrow.
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Lemme show ya some vids. Hang the eff on

Nevermind. Can't post vids on my phone. Search formula d road Atlanta in car. There's a real awesome vid of forseberg. Watch that. Then try to find one f Conrad gruenwald in the vette in car. Some of the best wheel handling I've ever seen.

And duramax kid, you kinda just spewed some incorect info at this dood. Like If I entered and did what you said, if I even made it through the entry, it would be the fight of my life.

He's talking about entering with ebrake. There's so many different ways to explain this. Hopefully Jason sees this and explains, if not, I'll explain tomorrow.

Well like everyone else says its a hard subject to explain. but if u watch forseburg movies he does exactly what i discribe maybe us central florida boys drift different then u down south guys.. alot of it also goes into the turn and speed u can carry.. but i forgot here everyones a pro so your right
Isn't the ebrake entry explained in the drift bible?

[ame=""]YouTube- How to Drift? Drift Bible [Part1][/ame]
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were getting into early entry's and lil more tech with ebraking. Bearcat i saw your 100mph entry so i take your word when it comes to some advice lol.
its nothing we can 'just say and you get it', its all going to be you with seat time and feeling it out. but...

as pat said, ebrake entry is for when you are coming in faster than the actual arc of the turn will allow, too high in RPM for the clutch kick, or if there is a skinny/long straight away you are entering on way before the turn starts.

there are VARIOUS ways to use it to enter. Some people come in straight, turn and yank it at the same time. Some come in, with a little feint (swerving outside then back toward turn) then yank it. Some come in, clutch kick and then immediately yank it.

all of these styles also have various ways to pull it. you can just hold it up like its your best friend and lover and wait till you are comfortable with the speed/position you are in- this will slow you down the most as you are braking the whole time. you might just tag it quick, release, and get back on throttle- this will keep the most speed. or you can mix the two and come in, yank it quick to get it out- (keep clutch in whole time here)- then release it down then back up, then down and back up- pumping it as you go in. the duration of each pull is about 1-2 seconds at most usually. this will keep more speed up for those longer entry attempts, but still slow you down for the sharp turn. all of these methods are about feeling the balance of the car and the speed as you are coming in. at PBIR we entered at ~100 on demo day and were ebraking in from about 250-275ft marker. The turn itself was only like 65/70. I used the pump method there as it was loooong way in.

when you are doing this entry style, with low power, you cannot just get to the end of your ebrake use and get back on throttle. if you do that, you will most likely bog, understeer, or get squirrley. You should still be like 3/4 or so on throttle with revs up near 4500rpms WHILE clutch in and ebraking. Then when you release ebrake and clutch dump, your are essentially clutch kicking the car back into your power band. so you have hand on wheel, hand on ebrake, foot on clutch, foot on gas. the movement of ALL of them at the same time, at the RIGHT time, and itll be butter. It will be a seemless change from ebrake to throttle when you get it right and feels really smooth. Its very hard to remember as you are ebraking to also keep rpms up. I usually would wait till about 30-40ft (about a second) before the release and just bring up the rpms with my SR, so with KA you need to start earlier as you have less power and slower throttle response. Just keep at it, youll get it eventually.

Its all about just feeling the shift of the weight and balance of the car. Once you get it, its a really nice tool to have in your arsenal of weapons.
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umm... just practice. Just do whatever you gotta do to make your car do whatever you want it to do.
^ bang on explanation, I prefer a bit more of a feint+ebrake entry myself


i dont use the e brake for anything but extension other then when i have a shit clutch to the point when it slips on a power over then ill go to e brake entry
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i would pretty much use weight transfer then pop clutch and use ebrake to correct understeer/extend drift if my line is off. but mostly weight transfer and clutch kick
^it really just depends on how fast you drive. i mean, you can enter the same turn at 40 with a clutch kick, or 70 with the ebrake.

i prefer the prior...:D
when you are doing this entry style, with low power, you cannot just get to the end of your ebrake use and get back on throttle. if you do that, you will most likely bog, understeer, or get squirrley. You should still be like 3/4 or so on throttle with revs up near 4500rpms WHILE clutch in and ebraking. Then when you release ebrake and clutch dump, your are essentially clutch kicking the car back into your power band. so you have hand on wheel, hand on ebrake, foot on clutch, foot on gas. the movement of ALL of them at the same time, at the RIGHT time, and itll be butter. It will be a seemless change from ebrake to throttle when you get it right and feels really smooth. Its very hard to remember as you are ebraking to also keep rpms up. I usually would wait till about 30-40ft (about a second) before the release and just bring up the rpms with my SR, so with KA you need to start earlier as you have less power and slower throttle response. Just keep at it, youll get it eventually.

Its all about just feeling the shift of the weight and balance of the car. Once you get it, its a really nice tool to have in your arsenal of weapons.

when i used to be ka i used to have to clutch in and stayon the gas (to keep the revs up) as i pull the ebrake real quick

just keep practicing and ull eventually get it
umm... just practice. Just do whatever you gotta do to make your car do whatever you want it to do.

Honestly, yeah.

As dumb as it sounds, I watch the drift bible, then went out and practiced. I just got the basic understanding and went out and tried it. People have like given me tips along the way, and I try em. I don't car who tells me or how crazy it is, if I feel like it might work, I'll try it.
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