So I started my own small business...

LowRisksCC MA47

Wrong wheel parked.
Kinda had one of those face in palm moments when I was doing a brake job on a friends car for her.....and came up with this wild idea to be a business owner.

So I finish up the brake job, test drive the car and notice the drivers side door will not go down. I asked her about it and she said that it "broke". Seeing as I was bored and had nothing to do for the rest of that day I say "ok, lets pull it apart and find out why it "broke". After taking the panel off, I located the problem, put everything back together and viola...window works again....everything went back on like it never happened.

This girl was so happy that I fixed her window...:confused:
She says "Zach, you are the best!!! I wish I lived closer to you id always take my car to you to be fixed! I wish I had a mechanic like you!" It hit me like a deer in the headlights and thats when Section Eight Auto Care was born.

So I am taking on my dream of owning my own shop, starting at -0-.
Im going to limit myself to spend only $200 max out of my main job's income...and make the business work on the money that it generates. I will not spend anything I make from this, it will all go into a savings account just for business related expenses.

Heres a list of what I am offering;
General maintenance
Minor repairs
Car audio installation
Modifications/ Aftermarket/ Lighting and wiring.
Car detailing.

I want to do "word of mouth" advertising only....and it seems to be catching on already. :D

Anyways, Im really happy right now about this with a feeling of pride that you can't imagine....just wanted to share and hopefully inspire someone else, as well as get others thoughts on this or any kind of knowlage from some of the business owners we have out here.
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good luck....if your any good you should do great...i know many people that have needed good mechanics and havent found one..
good luck....if your any good you should do great...i know many people that have needed good mechanics and havent found one..

When I was a kid, all I wanted to be was a mechanic because I loved cars and I wanted to be that one honest mechanic that would always stand behind his work.

When I deal with a company or a business I want to falcon punch the crap out of some of the people I deal with just beacause of their ethics.

When I do business with someone, I treat them with the upmost respect and I treat them as if they were my best friends.... When it comes to cars, I really take a deep pride in it.

Thanks for all the support guys, if you have any advice...please im an unwritten book when it comes to this, so...yeah throw something in.


When you say wiring do you mean you can do electrical work? Cause I may have somesin fo youse!

I have not done fuse boxes, or trouble not that good with that YET. I can hook things up....TJ can vouch for my wiring skills. If you want a motor wired up or something of that nature, Im not your need to head over to SNS Garage for that :bigthumbu
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Congrat man, I hope you do well! I've been thinking about opening a shop for a long time down here. My only worry is that if I start doing it for money instead of on my own cars, or friends cars, it won't be as enjoyable.
just keep in mind you should have liability insurance if you are going to do this. I've seen people go down this road and they make a mistake then lose everything since they arent covered. You can still operate without it but you leave yourself, and every single thing you own open.
When I was a kid, all I wanted to be was a mechanic because I loved cars and I wanted to be that one honest mechanic that would always stand behind his work.
When I do business with someone, I treat them with the upmost respect

Its hard to find mechanics like that. I'll keep you in mind. If all goes according to plan I might need some help with 240s next year.

Good luck.
ive seen Zach turn his moms vibrator into a magnet with his wiring skills. top notch shit from him *when hes in the fucking mood to do it*
ive seen Zach turn his moms vibrator into a magnet with his wiring skills. top notch shit from him *when hes in the fucking mood to do it*

Yeah that was pretty funny dude, she put it in her mouth and it got stuck because of that metal plate in her head. :laugh:

just keep in mind you should have liability insurance if you are going to do this. I've seen people go down this road and they make a mistake then lose everything since they arent covered. You can still operate without it but you leave yourself, and every single thing you own open.

Thanks for the heads up man. I'm going to look into this. :bigthumbu

Its hard to find mechanics like that. I'll keep you in mind. If all goes according to plan I might need some help with 240s next year.

Good luck.

I live in Key West Florida, but when I come to Miami id be willing to check you out. :bigthumbu *nohomo*
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chaon ... meaning that hopefully it will grow to have more then one location ... But yea hopefully it will grow like a chia pet...
ya know zach Ive been doin the same thing in the upper keys for 3 months now for my main source of income. Ive heard from most of my customers that they think that most mechanics are shady, and are very satisified when they meet an honest one. Even more so where we are located. A customer of mine took her car to a shop up here in Key Largo, and they were gonna charge her 1000 bucks to put a new flex pipe on her exhaust. The only problem Ive ran into so far is that it seems that everyone is broke right now, esp. with the holidays coming up. But good luck to us both!
i would soooooo pay you to wire up ma radio and shit... but your there and im here.. and its just not going to work between us... boop
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