So how many of you actually use the e-brake when you slide?

When you're first learning to drift all you hear is how gay ebrake is and "bla bla bla..." but it's funny because all that shit talking usually comes from people who don't actually drift. My first drifts ever were ebrake initiated. I think it teaches good hand/foot coordination and it seems less scary when you're doing it. Now I pretty much never ebrake initiate, but I use it a lot to extend slides, correct line, etc. Watch Japanese in car D1 type stuff, take notes, go practice.

left foot breaking - i stay hard on the throttle and use the front brakes to lock the front wheels to break the car loose. then let off the brakes and stay on the throttle and counter steer accordigly.

That sounds really dangerous, like if you want to understeer into a wall do that. Left foot braking in drifting is mostly for following someone in tandem, or to suck into a clip.
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When you're first learning to drift all you hear is how gay ebrake is and "bla bla bla..." but it's funny because all that shit talking usually comes from people who don't actually drift. My first drifts ever were ebrake initiated. I think it teaches good hand/foot coordination and it seems less scary when you're doing it. Now I pretty much never ebrake initiate, but I use it a lot to extend slides, correct line, etc. Watch Japanese in car D1 type stuff, take notes, go practice.

Idk about that, ive heard the oppisite, ive heard e-brake is the most common method for beginners, and then you have the people who watch fnf and tell you "oh yeah driftings easy just rip the e-brake!"

on the real tho, i think ill give it a try next time i go to countyline just to see how its like
i wasnt bout to spend 120 on uras sea horses so i made them. extends the piece that bolts to the caliper. leverage is your friend. it also makes the brake feel softer but wayyyyyy more control
i wasnt bout to spend 120 on uras sea horses so i made them. extends the piece that bolts to the caliper. leverage is your friend. it also makes the brake feel softer but wayyyyyy more control

very intresting... ima talk to u more about that shit tomorrow!

and dont forget my pipes bro!!! :bigthumbu
By fix your ebrake, I meant replace the cable, pads, and adjust, just like I said. Not because your's was broken, but to tune it up.

Most of these cars get driven by morons that think to set the ebrake you have to yank it all the way up so the lever is vertical, thus stretching the cables out. By replacing the main cable (runs from the handle to the splitter) you can take out a TON of action from the handle, making it more effective, and quicker to use. That combined with new rear pads (or ebrake pads if your z32/r33) and an adjustment will make a huge difference.
^ interesting i think ill do that. i tried ebrake to initiate but it wasn't working to well for me.
Estie willing to give some more info on the ebrake mod? I have to finish mine on the truck soon, and plan on using it instead of clutch kicking to get re-used to my truck.
Mine wont lock the rears up and Iver adjusted it to the max sooo... I've never e-brake drifted.... corrections all in the heal-toe-steer catagory.
Also, a lot of people think that when you rip the ebrake while driving in a straight line your tires should just lock up, but it takes a little more effort and technique than that.
Your question was "how many of you actually use the ebrake to slide?" The answer should be everyone. If your ebrake doesn't work, then get that shit working.

Mine wont lock the rears up and Iver adjusted it to the max sooo... I've never e-brake drifted.... corrections all in the heal-toe-steer catagory.

You can't say that if you're already in a slide and you pull your ebrake it doesn't do anything. I've driven cars with ebrakes that barely work and can still extend a slide with a combination of ebrake, foot brake, and momentum.
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^mine is a little harder to get used to and DEFINITELY used it this past event to start extending, and early initiate at high speed fun.
i use the ebrake occasionally for initiating a drift, and its very rare, but i like to do it to switch it up accordingly. Although I primarily use the ebrake to extend and correct my drift/line. and I use it ALLLLOT
I proper functioning e-brake on an AE86 can lock up the rears like nothing...
Ive never done anything in a 240...not even a fucking burnout lol....

Fortunately for me I have drums out back....
Id only want 4 wheel disc brakes (GT-S) for AutoXing...
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the Japanese will disagree with you Eric, the ebrake initiation is an awesome and easy way to initiate a drift....I believe you have 12 or 13 different ways to start your car sliding sideways at the first entry of the course

Raffi, you gotta stop assuming more than what I say. In no way did I even imply that the ebrake is a bad thing. Read again dude. I did and I still can't see how I could have possibly meant that it's not something good to have.

All I mentioned was that the e-brake is used for more than simply initiations to give an idea of how useful the ebrake can really be. I wanted to write a post like Warren's, but it was 3am, and I've been waking up at 7am this week to go to work... so I decided to be brief.

In case you don't remember, I was decked 6 points off my final score (scoring 4 out of 15) at Charlotte Qualifier for being the one with the e-brake entries. ;)
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Correct. If you have drums in the back you could not benefit from it since there are no hydraulic lines moving back there.
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