Possible event in Moroso

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BiG MiKE said:
u people must have $$$ to piss away... i dont.. cant spend 200 for 5 minutes of seat time.. no thnx :D i think more people will agree with me on that one. I would love to go but thats just to steep for me

This is why drifting here fucking sucks. Everyone has a bitch excuse.
if i am in town that weekend, i will definetly be there, i am down for trying to support getting more local events, whatever the cost...

are there any walls to worry about on this track??
kwkouki said:
This is why drifting here fucking sucks. Everyone has a bitch excuse.

Well lets just keep a good outlook going for this event and it might happen. Something close enough for you to attend.

It would be really sweet if tertech secured a date and we had enough drivers.

LateralMotion said:
if i am in town that weekend, i will definetly be there, i am down for trying to support getting more local events, whatever the cost...

are there any walls to worry about on this track??

It depends on what sections are going to be used for the drifting portion. I dont think there will be any walls that will pose a threat to your car.
motor runs + money + tertech = GANGBANG

i'll strap up and pound out my rubbers! lol

harri u rock!
Im definately down.... this event is really worth itin my opinion. plus i go to moroso to watch drag racing so i would definately go for some seat time DRIFTING...
This is great news. . .

I was up there not so long ago talking to the Kart and Road Course Manager they seem to want a drift event but from what they told me there isn't much room for spectators. It may sound mean but I really don't care about spectators, I guess the drivers will make up some of that cost. If this goes down I will probably be there also, even more if Ter-Tech holds the event.

I don't think you can really drift on the Skid Pad, the Road Course manager told me to do whatever possible to drift away from the fence that separates the Kart track and Skip Pad. That will limit the space that is "driftable." I think the Skid Pad is perfect for a pit area, especially for 30+ cars. I think Ter-Tech may get the track a little cheaper than most because we would probably only be using the top right part of it from the picture that was posted. I would guess the cars would line up on the straight then run that portion of the track(the part closer to the Kart track) and then go to the back of the line from the small road that leads back to the straight. I hope that made some sense.

I got to defend Big Mike on this. I believe I know what spot he's talking about, you can have your own "private" parking lot event there for hours, set cones up and everything. Let's just say the law is kinda on our side. But track time on a road course and even more in Moroso(because it's pretty much a local event) is unbeatable to get better. I'll force you to go Mike, my dad and I will help you out if you go.

PS Sorry for the long post, I had some stuff I had to say.
I'm down!!!!!!!!
sounds cool. Never been on an track before.
factory buildings are all I see on the weekends...LoL!
The only thing that I'm thinking about is, getting up there? if this goes down!
It would be cool to roll out as a big group of 240's... even if we don't know each other!
Worst track in Fl but a track none the less. I'm be down like a dade county hooker.

Oh and for all you bitches...this is motorsports. Yes your car can hit walls and go of course into the alligator infested swamps. Go spectate a road course event there...they hold em all the time. Please though, quit bitching and go back to playing gran turismo.
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Oh and for all you bitches...this is motorsports. Yes your car can hit walls and go of course into the alligator infested swamps. Go spectate a road course event there...they hold em all the time. Please though, quit bitching and go back to playing gran turismo.

LOL. Someone speaking the truth :bigthumbu
One thing I know for sure.....People on here needs to stop bi****** for the simple fact that we may be getting an event down here again after a year......For the most part alot of people here complains that there isnt anymore events down here and ter-Tec is trying to come back down here and the most we can do is show them support and show every one that SFL is not far behind.....The more we complain and the less support we show for these events the further up north we would have to drive since no one will want to throw an event down here where there are alot of wanna bes and no support.......
Lets turn it around, shut up, and support this event....No one here knows for sure that there is gonna be an event....but i hope there will be one becuase I SUCK and i need practice, i cant street drift much becuase im going to school for federal jobs and cant have anything on my record so this will be great....Also since we dont know when the event is gonna haoppening start saving from now so there wont be any excuse for when the event does come through!!!!
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alemus3 said:
One thing I know for sure.....People on here needs to stop bi****** for the simple fact that we may be getting an event down here again after a year......For the most part alot of people here complains that there isnt anymore events down here and ter-Tec is trying to come back down here and the most we can do is show them support and show every one that SFL is not far behind.....The more we complain and the less support we show for these events the further up north we would have to drive since no one will want to throw an event down here where there are alot of wanna bes and no support.......
Lets turn it around, shut up, and support this event....No one here knows for sure that there is gonna be an event....but i hope there will be one becuase I SUCK and i need practice, i cant street drift much becuase im going to school for federal jobs and cant have anything on my record so this will be great....Also since we dont know when the event is gonna haoppening start saving from now so there wont be any excuse for when the event does come through!!!!

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