Piss Test!!!!!!

ok so i had a piss test yesterday.... i smoked pot for first time roughly 5-6 weeks ago... all i smoked was 2 blunts.... thats it.... i havent touched the shit or any drug since... cause of i needed a job. i took piss test for job yesterday. will i pass test since i waited that long?
if i dont pass im gonna be pissed! ohh well if i fail i will tell them i eat poppey sead muffins everyday for breakfast it shows up as thc.
poppey seads shows up as cocaine not pot. i heard it take 8 - 12 weeks untill marijuanna is completely out of your system.
240MANSX said:
poppey seads shows up as cocaine not pot. i heard it take 8 - 12 weeks untill marijuanna is completely out of your system.

i honestly think im fucked..... i shouldnt have even touched the shit... if i fail i hope my employer lets me do a retake... ill go buy the DETOX ASAP! and retake that bitch.... honestly i dont see point in testing for pot wtf is it gonna hurt? i could see looking for coke,meth,ect ect...

i didnt even smoke alot just a little bit to try it... also im 6ft 3 almost 4 and 220 lbs.
lol... you should have drank loads of water... my buddy smokes like the night before those shyts... drinks loads of beer and water and some how passes.... and he worked for the City... :D suckers
19s13hb240sx said:
honestly i dont see point in testing for pot wtf is it gonna hurt?

your judgement and reaction time and some other clinicly proven stuff.. so if its anywhere you have to deal with people its a big deal to the employer that you dont come in "fucked up" and "act a fool" leaving a bad image for said company :bigthumbu

19s13hb240sx said:
well i piss like 4x a day hahaahah... so that might help.

only 4 times a day? you must have somethign wrong with you lol i piss that much in like 4hrs if not more depending how much i drink
240MANSX said:
poppey seads shows up as cocaine not pot. i heard it take 8 - 12 weeks untill marijuanna is completely out of your system.

it shows up as opiets. (heroin, morphene,opium) not cocain.

i smoke maddd blunts all day long... hit me up SMoke DruGs.
bro you'll be fine. i smoked myself retarted one weekend with my cousins and 3 weeks later i took the test and passed with flying colors. just drink alot of water and relax man
THC clinges to the fat cells of your body.

If you have a high matabolism then you burn fat quickly and can be clean enough for a urine test with-in 2-3 weeks.

If you have a slow metabolism then it may take longer. (up to 6 weeks)

It can be shown in the blood stream for up to a year I believe.

Working out, running, and things like that are a great way to cleanse your system naturally with out detox stuffs. If you decide to use a detox drink becareful because sometimes people have different creatine levels then other people. Thats the big tell tale of a tampered urine test. The detox has creatine in it to help fool the test into thinking its normal but if you have an already high creatine level the results may come up to high and they will say you tampered with it.

Best bet in this case is this guy. Its kinda weird but if you wanna play you gotta pay.


oh and Drugs are bad. eeeummmm K.
I PASSED fucking sweet i feel so much better i was sweating it cause there hiringme as a mechanic at Goodyear tomorrow.... phew now i can go get high again cause they dont do anyother drug test hahahahaha.... WEED HERE I COME LMAO!
if you dont do drugs youll never have to worry bout this little problem lol sorry to all the marley heads in here.....just was never my cup of tea
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