Piss Test!!!!!!

DownSouthS13 said:
if you dont do drugs youll never have to worry bout this little problem lol sorry to all the marley heads in here.....just was never my cup of tea

Never smoked weed in my life. Not even a puff.... Never been my thing. Never wanted to try it. The risks associated with it, are just to high to risk, and I've smelt it before and it stinks SO bad. In fact there was a guy at the Ter-Tech event in WPB smoking. I caught a wiff of it over by our hauler. he was crouched in the bed of his truck... lol pot heads.
slide-ways-for-five-days said:
it shows up as opiets. (heroin, morphene,opium) not cocain.

i smoke maddd blunts all day long... hit me up SMoke DruGs.

true. i was wrong :D . my bad. it does show up as heroin.
visit the link for you poppey seeds info.


You may have heard that poppy seed shows up as a positive indicator of drug use on drug screens. But can poppy seeds really skew drug test results in this way?

Poppy seeds can indeed cause a false positive on a drug screen, but only poppy seeds from opium poppy plants, in which morphine is filtered out and then converted into various forms of heroin and other opiates. Both opiate and non-opiate poppy seeds are used in cooking, but the non-opiate seeds are more common.
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