PBIR Drift event Sept 24th

How come pbir's website is saying theres a different event going on that day?

The Drifting Practice is still ON. It has not been cancelled. We are still going to drift on the 24th which is this friday. so in other words the drifitng is happening unless they get rained out.
Be there at 6pm ready to drift track closes at 1AM
we will have two run groups caged and non caged.
Caged=Tandem allowed
non caged= NO tandem allowed
other than that it will be pretty much open track.
Drive alongs = Only drivers are allowed to be passengers at PBIR.
Media= contact PBIR directly for media passes
just a heads up for those who want media, in my past experiences, which was 2 seperate events, PBIR is very stingy on passes. i had the head of a club email them with letterhead explaining what my purpose was and nada. i still walked into the media zone and noone said sh*t but just lettin ya know.
just a heads up for those who want media, in my past experiences, which was 2 seperate events, PBIR is very stingy on passes. i had the head of a club email them with letterhead explaining what my purpose was and nada. i still walked into the media zone and noone said sh*t but just lettin ya know.

crap, thanks for the heads up.
anyone else want to get media with me? or at least attempt to?
The Drifting Practice is still ON. It has not been cancelled. We are still going to drift on the 24th which is this friday. so in other words the drifitng is happening unless they get rained out.
Be there at 6pm ready to drift track closes at 1AM
we will have two run groups caged and non caged.
Caged=Tandem allowed
non caged= NO tandem allowed
other than that it will be pretty much open track.
Drive alongs = Only drivers are allowed to be passengers at PBIR.
Media= contact PBIR directly for media passes

sounds good harri is it going to be like a one at a time thing or one car goes and then when that car is about halfway around the track send the next?
ok, so all i have left to do is alignment and mount tires today and ill be like 95% ready. 5% not ready cuz bill has my god damn spring, lol.

anyways, im ready to break shit

as far as media goes, i called in and got nothin.. i was just plannin on havin my media guy be my "mechanic" just to get him out on the track, but now he's not comin, sooo...
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The Drifting Practice is still ON. It has not been cancelled. We are still going to drift on the 24th which is this friday. so in other words the drifitng is happening unless they get rained out.
Be there at 6pm ready to drift track closes at 1AM
we will have two run groups caged and non caged.
Caged=Tandem allowed
non caged= NO tandem allowed
other than that it will be pretty much open track.
Drive alongs = Only drivers are allowed to be passengers at PBIR.
Media= contact PBIR directly for media passes

is there a limit to how many can tandem at once ^^

I'm going to get stock axles and come drive i think, might have trouble getting the damn nut loose/tight...
If bill and slow can bring their axles, I'll possilbly buy/use them if I snap and need another depending on how late it is. I'm trying to source 2 whole sets and get it fixed before heading down.
yea i have a battery impact does like 240ft/lbs is all though. and gonna see about finding a socket today/tomorrow so i can get it running before comin down
is there a limit to how many can tandem at once ^^

I'm going to get stock axles and come drive i think, might have trouble getting the damn nut loose/tight...
If bill and slow can bring their axles, I'll possilbly buy/use them if I snap and need another depending on how late it is. I'm trying to source 2 whole sets and get it fixed before heading down.

there was like 4 clean sets at u pull it like a week ago all with uncut boots
Plzzzzzz bring the axle socket. Pretty sure mine are gonna go with these heavy ass rear wheels and grippy ass tires.

yea i think i just over did my clutch kick at cfrc.... but at sebring i dont know, i think that time just sucked.

im super not excited to waste another trip/cost to sit and watch.
The Drifting Practice is still ON. It has not been cancelled. We are still going to drift on the 24th which is this friday. so in other words the drifitng is happening unless they get rained out.
Be there at 6pm ready to drift track closes at 1AM
we will have two run groups caged and non caged.
Caged=Tandem allowed
non caged= NO tandem allowed
other than that it will be pretty much open track.
Drive alongs = Only drivers are allowed to be passengers at PBIR.
Media= contact PBIR directly for media passes

Thanks bro ill definitely be there then
well dudes il bring a socket

---------- Post added at 12:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

my buddy should be there with air compressor and stuff
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