Pay attention while you drive

I think this is the best response i've gotten so far from another forum.

All of those accidents may have been the driver's fault but in a good few of them the pedestrians could have avoided getting hit if they were paying attention. Seriously, that guy texting that girl didn't even look up before stepping into the street... what the fuck was he thinking? Especially in a row of parked cars where drivers can't see you until you're between their headlights or bouncing off their windshield. I think we need to teach some people to look both ways before crossing the road and respect the stopping distance of vehicles just as much as we enforce safe driving.

My girlfriend has almost been run down atleast 6 times in the past 4 months by cars not paying attention. Me? I've never even come close. I walk the same streets with probably statistically identical drivers she does, I just know when to walk and when to wait. Damned if I can teach her this concept.

And what was with that guy that swerved to avoid the dog? He's bouncing off the rev limiter in a pass and he swerves to avoid a dog? Sorry pal, your priorities are in the wrong order, roofus should be flat and you should keep going straight.

I totally agree with the message and the video, it makes a strong point. But I think pedestrians need to be more aware of their surroundings. That celica that hit the jeep that hit the woman... she should have been able to see the celica coming atleast 100ft off and anticipated (by his speed) that he may not be paying attention and to get the fuck off the road.

I think both drivers and pedestrians need to change if they both want to stay safe.
very true i fukin cant stand stupid pedestrians i almost MASSACRED some drunk fukin idiot riding bike on the sidewalk towards oncoming traffic and the idiot falls onto the street infront of the sc400 i was drivin

i wouldnt have given 5 fucks just cuz how FUCKING STUPID that was of him
wow I had just finished eating lunch now I just finished throwing up :vomit: but I agree every one should be more careful

i just yell at people that are driving and doing something else other than driving....

i get road rage....

so i yell at them, tell them to drive the car, and call them a bad name...and drive off

seems to work.
I loled my ass off at the end, but deff a reality check that you get to see without actually being there...

Who knows you could be drifting in the street, get caught, go to jail, then sell stickers.
I loled my ass off at the end, but deff a reality check that you get to see without actually being there...

Who knows you could be drifting in the street, get caught, go to jail, then sell stickers.


amazing "videoklip"

seriously though, on soo many levels this is a great video!

needs to be shown everywhere

probably not as gory as real shit though

hey ill post up pics if you want :bigthumbu
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at first it was touching, then it just gets redic when the guy's soul stays because of the seat belt and the fast-means-little-dick thing
sad video some fucked up shit...

but the pinky parts made me lol! like hard!

thats the truth though i hate seeing kids do that shit... i just hope fucks that drive like that hit a fucking pole or a tree not another person.
shit was totally overly graphic, but sends a better message this way i think. I like the second one where the guy thinks its just a fender bender and he is concerned with his car before he goes up and sees the mom he killed.
well im depress for the rest of the day! the worst one was where the car fliped and pin the kid and his girlfriend sitting on the wall.
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