
all i have to say is watch y0 backs.

alright well its nice n cold, lets get a list togeather and where you are located so maybe we can see who can aquire the most welts.

me\rick\240sicknessx - davie

also if you think you have a feild that we shoud play at, find some arial shots and tell us whether we are going to get kicked out or run into other people who we will have to share the feild with.

im not kidding when i say watch out behind you.
yoo, i still have my equipment. i suck but hey if you know who to use it right then you can still play.

me/ralph/Westchester(near kendall)
i will seriously pwn all of you n00bs. i let courney (CBRGrrl borrow my automag, i dont know where it is) but if i get my gun back, i'll play lets set up a game. i love the adrenaline rush, its actually more than drifting. Sold my auto****er and eveything else for my old FC stuffs, but i got my mask, No2 tank, etc.... used to be sponsored by Kingman, but refused to use ghey *** spyders in tourneys

me/ franz/ tmprojectd / cooper city nukkah
holy **** i think this is back in 2002 or sumthing, damn. I was like 17 then

i will ****in own all u ****ers wahahahahahaha
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u guys dont know wt your getting yourselves into.....r u sure u want to **** the BFG of paintball artillery


o yeah babyyy
yo paintball does hurt. i dunno about you mag guys and the xpencive 1000 dollar pice of shix guns that shoot 30 balls per sec.

but my a5 when i boost it up and i use good balls it will brake your skin and make you bleed. or itll leave a big azz blood welt on your skin thet will turn purple after a while so you can sshow your friends.

dude lets play. im excited now. lol

how many people can we get to play for shure. 100 % for the first weekend of january.

i can get my self and for shure 7 more. sumtimes. up to 12. depends on how big the game will be.

ps . my place/ has indoor and woods mixed. so is like playing in HELLLL.
is awesome.

if we get enough people. we could use the whole palce wich is like 3 football fields long.
hell yeah I'm down, I still have my stuff, and some of it i got after my friends stopped playing so i've been ready to play. I mainly play recreational stuff no speedball for me i prefer seek and destroy type of games. let me know when and where, so i can get ready and get paintballs .... pricey stuff thats the second reason i stopped playing

Miguel>Kendall> by MD College
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i say we do it for the 14 or 15 of january. i have drill the first weekend in january at my reserve unit. so lets make it for the second weekend
I've never played before... you dont have to be naked do you? If not, does the paint ruin your clothes? Is it washable? What should I wear? Can I wear sandals? Does it hurt? Someone fill me in. Im up for new things.
someone orginize this, i dont have time to track e-mails setup times and a meeting ground to accomdate all you pplz. it seems as if we have enough people on the forum strictly to have a nice game, lets try not to get over 12ish people. Keeping track of your friendly's in the woods while trying to ambush an apponet sucks. i dont wanna have to wear a certain color arm band that could give me away to distinguish what team im on. 0o0o we could do a match where its every man for him self? ( i <3 them).
aight everyone i will organize this **** for us. i want everyone who wants to play to send me an email to

tell me your name, a phone number i can contact you at and your location(not address)

also tell me if you know of a place where we can play...
this is gonna be set up for the 14 of january. its a saturday

how bout this. everyone post here on the forum if they are going if so how many people can they bring. i know a place where the more people the better but you cant have 10 cars outside so we would have to park far and get a ride 5 by 5 to the place on a truck then park that single truck.

ME : sergio . ill bring 10 or more people. for shure.

the place. is at crom ave. is an abandon building or school. it has a 1 florr building that consist of 2 hallways and about 150 rooms. all with no doors or windows and all with acces to the forest outside. so if we play like 30 or more people we could make some very interesting urban/guerrilla scenario games.

if not just wood s. or just urban.

the thing is that last time we took 3 cars and a federal. not a cop. not a state patrol.
a federal (actually 2) came in with a 12 gauge shotgun and a 9 mil. on theyr hands ready to shoot. since the place is filled with bullet holes and bullet shells everywhere from people going the to shoot theyr guns.
and theres not a single inch in the place that dosnt have a grafitty.
so. the cops went in thinking we were doing one of the 2.
if not that we would have to go to a forest sumwhere else but i cant think of a better place than this.
is dangerous but is the best place in the world.

inside the hallways there a plywood boards and doors that you can use as swat shields to walk forward without getting killed.

plus since is indoor. the noise of the guns sounds 3 times as loud almost like a real gunfight.

let me know people.
that sounds pretty damn good give it the socom feel hahah im in for that idea and christmas just past so i got some extra money laying around i think i can spare some
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altezzagirl said:
I have things that get in the way. And, judging by my luck, I know for a fact one of you re-re's will accidently hit me in a spot that wont feel so pleasant, so count me out lol.

At least you can't get shot in the nuts... :p
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