October 30th FrankenSlide! Drifting + Gymkhana!

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so is that a yes for there being anymore spots???? theres a few jax drivers that are trying to make the drive down for this
it would be well worth it to go man... trust me, this event is going to be sawwwweeeeeet

I know but i got to work plus this trip to Cali was pretty steep if i could go i would be there at least to watch especially with this Nopi judge reunion going on you, Rob and Matt. Oh well ...
Have Fun!!
this was my first event had alot of fun met some cool people and learned alot
a real coarse is so much different than ocasional street sliding
Course was awesome.
the Tandem was the most fun I've ever had drifting.

By far the best event FL has ever put on.. vids/pics of 6+ car freight train tandem
its was a cluster fuck of awesome hahahahahah best event i've ever been to or drove ... cant wait till next month
This event was one of the best in CFL inna very long time.. props to cfrc, the awsome layout, new track setup, NOS and the k-rails!! some of the sickest tandom since homestead demos! i had an awsome time got so many runs in and loved all the battles between everyone in group C, AWSOME DRIVING GUYS..
If anyone has any additional pics of my car (black coupe w/ no hood) PM me. thanks
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