News!!!! Osama bin laden is dead!!!!!

Idk South korea was pretty awesome, there is a reason why seoul went from a city demolished by war to the 3rd largest city in the world in less than 50 years.
I have been to some to other countries as well Piner, the point was more so in regards to countries where things are still developing or countries where the people are persecuted because they are against their own governments actions. I am not talking about countries like the modern world.

The fact of the matter is what Nick was saying, people need to get up off there butts and make the most of the opportunities that this country provides. The United States provides the greatest platform to pursue our dreams and desires. The typical priority of people in life in most cases is to grow up and go to school, college, get married, house and children and grow old. While during that process you are carving out your niche in life and making your world a better place as selfish as that might sound. Then there is the other categaory that puts themselves secondary to the whole process and sets out to deal with the bigger issue " The World" itself in order for everyone else to have their piece of pie.

So what if people are upset about the fact that we tell them to get out. People are whiners and need to man up or get out of the way. This country was made on the backs of the hardworking American that believed that he or she could achieve greatness. You dont like the way things are run, vote, run for office, start a party, get involved there are so many ways to be heard and do things in this country where in some places you can be shot or jailed in similar cases.
Exactly japan 101..... see below

Posts like some of the ones here are why none of you will ever be worth more than the piece of shit 240/(insert other car her) you drive.

If your so stupid that you think this country isnt better than any other place to live, the i dont have anything for you. God forbid YOU have virtually limitless possibilities but YOU have to work for it and YOU have to go out and get it. The problem with most of you people is that your so used to having everything put in your lap, when you get to the real world and its not that way anymore, you become bitter at everyone and everything that has more then you and start looking at other bigger things such as the government to give you a hand out.

Going further, what makes this country great.
Is those of us that work hard, and play by the rules get to succed and make it in life get to see how far we have truly have come, as we pass by those that sit around complaining, waiting for government handouts, and someone to do it for them , and get to stay in the same rut for ever.

It is honestly sickening to me.

REmeber always, this is America... we give a hand up.. not a hand out.
bleeding anus... lol. Quite the contrary, i couldnt be happier. My house is payed off and i have no debt. The american dream.......
Did anyone take note or bother to notice that Seal Team 6 technically doesnt even exist...

Seal team 6 exists, its called DEVGRU. They develop equipment for the other teams. The best seals go into DEVGRU. So yes they exit, they are just more experienced seals. I'm sure they took part in this if it happened.

Now on the topic of America being such a great place. Here is my OPINION. America is the EASIEST place to live due it it's ways (politics, elections, laws) but it is not 10 times better than any other place. Each country has it's strengths and weaknesses don't be so extreme.
I plan on continuing school, but moving around every few years, and I plan on moving to multiple COUNTRIES. Other countries aren't so terrible either. All the people in those countries manage just fine obviously, the world still goes round right? I want to travel and see the world so I will take the "risk" of moving and the costs and live where i want to live, because it isn't hard, or expensive to move to another country. It's very similar to living and moving here. YES is takes some work and money, but that doesnt make it "hard" or "expensive". That is just your american lazy mind speaking.
Most of your arguments of "just move then", and "It is expensive," are completely pointless.
Im done
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Obama better not take credit because this was all our troops and not him. Still Not gonna vote for him either, on that note...

God Bless the American Troops that have fought and endured for nearly 10 years to say "We Got Him, Osama Bin Laden is no more!" Your blood, sweat and tears have not been in vain and your brothers and sisters in arms have stayed the course. Congratulations to the United States Military Forces for seeing this goal through and Protecting the dearest thing to them. Today We the citizens Salute You and Thank You!

10 years for one terrorist.... sure using this logic we might be getting somewhere IN LIKE 10 MILLION YEARS!

Congrats on getting him, maybe US can finally do something about Castro, they have been "trying to" longer that Bin laden.
If America isn't so great, why are you here? No ones stopping you from leaving except your self. The reason you're stopping yourself is because you know this country is actually the greatest, and you're too much of a fucking pussy to actually leave the greatest country in the world.

Little harder said than done. Americans are really not wanted in the other great countries in Europe etc. So there is alot stopping the average American from just getting out if they dont like it. As for greatest country in the world, I've yet to see a reason why besides they win wars and they are "free".

i agree this government isnt perfect but the US is way better than any other country

Way better than every other country in the world? By what means?

1. then please by all means pick up and leave, let us know how the new country is.

It's great, I really dont think I've ever been happier in my life.

If your so stupid that you think this country isnt better than any other place to live, the i dont have anything for you.

Still going to continue to ask "by what means is it better?". I would be interested to hear reasons that can explain that America is better than "any other place to live".

me too, not bad at all. However the prospect for success, quality of life, future, stability, for me my family and my future children is and always shall be in the usa.

It really seems that you think that you can only be successful in USA, only have a good life in USA, only have a future in the USA, and only have a stable life in the USA (and all those put together can only be done in the USA).

I understand this is an Osama Bin Laden thread and I'm making it go off topic again but I really have to disagree with all the above comments. Since I've left and actually met, seen, and done business in my country of Finland and with neighboring Sweden and Norway. Everyone is extremely well off and successful when they actually work for it here. People in general are all less stressed and less rushed in everyday life. People are extremely educated in just the general public and it really shows (I've been living, studying and working here for about a year now, very busy traveling usually for my company and dealing with other companies across Europe). Of course everyone has their opinions and I'm not trying to point a finger and say anyone is wrong but I'm just putting my own 4 cents as everyone else and that for at least me, I feel it was much greener on the other side.
they wont release photos of him deceased but they will allow video of Sadaam being hung :gayfight:

How are you gonna make a big huge announcement that you did something that's been in the works for 10yrs and then say oh I'm not gonna release photos you'll just have to take my word for it lol

Guess he locked away the pictures with his birth certificate.
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they wont release photos of him deceased but they will allow video of Sadaam being hung :gayfight:

How are you gonna make a big huge announcement that you did something that's been in the works for 10yrs and then say oh I'm not gonna release photos you'll just have to take my word for it lol

Guess he locked away the pictures with his birth certificate.

saddam was killed by his own ppl

osama was killed by us.

different countries, different rules (or morals in this case)
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