Name That Movie Quote!

LMAO i saw that yesterday on STARS movie channel V for mother fucking Vendetta lol

now try this one...

"Good Bad Im The Guy With The GUN!"

someones gotta like good movies lol... and no google... if you google your at risk for getting balls stapled to a 2x4...
89Hatch240sx said:
LMAO i saw that yesterday on STARS movie channel V for mother fucking Vendetta lol

now try this one...

"Good Bad Im The Guy With The GUN!"

someones gotta like good movies lol... and no google... if you google your at risk for getting balls stapled to a 2x4...

Ash from "Army of Darkness"

here's a quote

"I'm the warrior chief, the merciless god who stirs anything in its path. You fuck with me, and you will suffer my wrath".
dhsil80 said:
"I'm the warrior chief, the merciless god who stirs anything in its path. You fuck with me, and you will suffer my wrath".

The Substitute (and the only good one... 2 and 3 sucked at life).

Although I did love how one of the movies was in Miami and the name of the school was "Columbus". :D

Gotta think of a quote now.... here's an easy one

"Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt. That is the 1st thing they teach you."
rwdrift said:
The Substitute (and the only good one... 2 and 3 sucked at life).

Although I did love how one of the movies was in Miami and the name of the school was "Columbus". :D

Gotta think of a quote now.... here's an easy one

"Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt. That is the 1st thing they teach you." guys don't know that i could probably beat Steven Spielburgs ass at this?!?! lol

ya, it was funny how the school name was columbus, yet they shot at miami high where my mom teaches, lol.

my turn again i guess...

"I'm the most dangerous man in this prison. You know why? 'Cause I control the underwear."
American History X. Good choice.

Thinking of my next one... gotta throw a monkey wrench for a challenge.


"Delusions of invincibility combined with a strong homicidal urge. I have a kick-your-ass fetish."

If you do not know this movie.... you fail.
whiterabbit7500 said: guys don't know that i could probably beat Steven Spielburgs ass at this?!?! lol

ya, it was funny how the school name was columbus, yet they shot at miami high where my mom teaches, lol.

my turn again i guess...

"I'm the most dangerous man in this prison. You know why? 'Cause I control the underwear."

Lamont, from "American History X"

my turn

"Boy, I bet you'd stick your head in fire if I told ya you could see Hell. Meanwhile, you're too stupid to realize you got a demon stickin' out your ass singing, "Holy Miss Moley"
"otis" house of 1000 corpes lol saw that movie today lol
lemme see....
"Well, you see this? This is the 40-year-old virgin, and this is the 50-year-old virgin."
240 drifter said:
"otis" house of 1000 corpes lol saw that movie today lol
lemme see....
"Well, you see this? This is the 40-year-old virgin, and this is the 50-year-old virgin."


My quote remains unanswered.... look a few posts back.

rwdrift said:
"Delusions of invincibility combined with a strong homicidal urge. I have a kick-your-ass fetish."

If you do not know this movie.... you fail.
Pending answer.
rwdrift said:

My quote remains unanswered.... look a few posts back.

Pending answer.

Shad in Striptease.... loved Demi in that movie!

here's another one,

"Doctor, I'm takin' your sister under my protection here. If anything happens to her, anything at all, I swear to you, I will get very choked up. Honestly, there could be tears"
dhsil80 said:
Shad in Striptease.... loved Demi in that movie!

here's another one,

"Doctor, I'm takin' your sister under my protection here. If anything happens to her, anything at all, I swear to you, I will get very choked up. Honestly, there could be tears"

what is SERENITY?
my turn

"Listen to this one then; you open a company called the Arse Tickler's Faggot Fan Club. You take an advert in the back page of some gay mag, advertising the latest in arse-intruding dildos, sell it a bit with, er... I dunno, "does what no other dildo can do until now", latest and greatest in sexual technology. Guaranteed results or money back, all that bollocks. These dills cost twenty-five each; a snip for all the pleasure they are going to give the recipients. They send a cheque to the company name, nothing offensive, er, Bobbie's Bits or something, for twenty-five. You put these in the bank for two weeks and let them clear. Now this is the clever bit. Then you send back the cheques for twenty-five pounds from the real company name, Arse Tickler's Faggot Fan Club, saying sorry, we couldn't get the supply from America, they have sold out. Now you see how many of the people cash those cheques; not a single soul, because who wants his bank manager to know he tickles arses when he is not paying in cheques! "
what is SERENITY?
my turn

"Listen to this one then; you open a company called the Arse Tickler's Faggot Fan Club. You take an advert in the back page of some gay mag, advertising the latest in arse-intruding dildos, sell it a bit with, er... I dunno, "does what no other dildo can do until now", latest and greatest in sexual technology. Guaranteed results or money back, all that bollocks. These dills cost twenty-five each; a snip for all the pleasure they are going to give the recipients. They send a cheque to the company name, nothing offensive, er, Bobbie's Bits or something, for twenty-five. You put these in the bank for two weeks and let them clear. Now this is the clever bit. Then you send back the cheques for twenty-five pounds from the real company name, Arse Tickler's Faggot Fan Club, saying sorry, we couldn't get the supply from America, they have sold out. Now you see how many of the people cash those cheques; not a single soul, because who wants his bank manager to know he tickles arses when he is not paying in cheques! "

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

good one

here's another one

"I used to think if I died in an evil place then my soul wouldn't make it to heaven. Well, fuck. I don't care where it goes as long it ain't here"
"It doesnt matter if you win by an inch or mile...winnings winning"

hahaha fucking ricers!

and this thread is sweetass
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