My Xbox 360 is dead! HELP!

get a bat....let your rage take over! watch a bangsbro flick, burn a spliff and call it a day. Problem Solved!!
for reel tho

just go on microsoft dot com and say that you got the three rings which they fix for free,,,,, thats what i did. and i even opened it and did the towel trick. i honestly think that all the "3 ringers" are not even looked at. honestly what u got to lose. so just stretch the truth and ull get one free in about 3 weeks. from a fellow friend "OSD DEFIANT" its worth a shot.
^ they are the best in Xbox world.....and they can even install the coolant stuff for faster speed..

Then ill guess ill be ignore too lol
hold on to it, GI just confirmed that microsoft will be dropping the xbox price once more... so get a new one... Some how with Xbox crazy problems and crappy constuction they are still raping the PS3 in amount of units sold... The Wii is raping everybody, the sad part is that the only game to sell more than 2 million for the ps3 was Metal Gear, while the xbox had over more than 8 games selling 2mill +, the wii had more than 8, with wii play being the game that sold the most in 08. Yet, Sony doesnt drop their prices... like i said man, the xbox is becoming dirt cheap, you can sell it back to Micro or talk to them(be harsh) to see what they say....
hes right just buy a new one, my buddy had 3 rings sent it in and got another one fomr them, it ended up getting the 3 rings 2 weeks later, so they sent him another one and this one freezes randomly
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