My Xbox 360 is dead! HELP!

Ok, so I am going crazy with my Xbox 360 because it got one red ring on the bottom left, and the TV has a code on the bottom that reads E74. Ok, I've searched ways of fixing it, but I barely have any tools in this house, so I was wondering if anyone can help me fix it, that would be sweet. I don't wanna send it to Microsoft and pay $95. If nothing can be done, I will just buy a new one for 200 bucks.
Ok, so I am going crazy with my Xbox 360 because it got one red ring on the bottom left, and the TV has a code on the bottom that reads E74. Ok, I've searched ways of fixing it, but I barely have any tools in this house, so I was wondering if anyone can help me fix it, that would be sweet. I don't wanna send it to Microsoft and pay $95. If nothing can be done, I will just buy a new one for 200 bucks.

send it in and complain youll get a new one trust me
u wont get a new one...a referb but not a brand new bet is to find a site (i use to kno the site) that will give u a diy......the site was like nico for xbox's and it wus wonderful and showed u how to solve those problems in minutes with a bit of soldering and shit.....i recommend finding that site and giving it a try....if u dont get it together then stack chips and buy a new one
Thanks for all the advice guys. I took it all apart because I felt like it didn't matter anyway. I called Xbox a few days back, and they wanted to charge me 95 bucks. So I have been looking at a bunch of videos on how to fix it. I tried the "wrapping it in a towel to overheat it" method, and that failed. I'm still looking around.

Again, thanks a lot guys.
i sent mine to microsoft and they sent me a new/referb one and it did the job ..i gave it to my lil bro then i traded my paintball gun for a halo360 edition and gave it to my older brother.. :( now im stuck with no entertainment... gotta study and with it in my presents i wont do that...
wrap it around 3towles and turn it on so the welds in the inside warm and melt and after 45mins turn it off and let it cool for 15mins.. works fine but not for long.. l0l.. I found that on youtube
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