My new toy......

Just saw this posted on craigslist. I'd pick it up if it wouldn't cut out 2 of 3 of my lenses. I'd hate having to shoot with my 50mm, but oh I'd love FF.

I'm really debating on the 70-200 f2.8. Maybe before the year is up I'll pick it up.

Edit: I didn't read the whole post. I thought it was body only. The 24-105 used is still close to 1k. Thats a steal. Hopefully its legit.
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thats man. so the filter is 14.97x.03+1.25=$16.66?
are you going to the drift event? if so I will be there

Yeah you got everything right. on the price.

I nee dto talk to Harri to see if I can get press creds. If I can I'll rent the 70-200 from one of the rental sites. I have one lined up for 65 bucks for a week to rent but don't know how long that will stay open. I'm seriously thinking about coming.
What rental place are you looking at?

I just checked the 2 local places and they are out of stock right now. i like the one because it tells you when its coming back. But they are both cheaper than $65.
Yeah you got everything right. on the price.

I nee dto talk to Harri to see if I can get press creds. If I can I'll rent the 70-200 from one of the rental sites. I have one lined up for 65 bucks for a week to rent but don't know how long that will stay open. I'm seriously thinking about coming.

ok lmk, if not I will paypal you the money monday

ronin: thats a killer price. if I didnt buy my rig I would of bought it

dude wtf? lol

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The 65 is a place in Cali they had it in stock yesterday and I could reserve it for that week if needed. I know it's more expensive, but it's garunteed.

I've rented and bought from rentglass. Really good company. They are both here in orlando so shipping is around next day.

I haven't used lens depot yet but I probably will be in june for this wedding I have to shoot. I'll comment back with my experience with them.

FUCK I should've taken my own advise. The 5d post is a scam. I just got the email back.

Quoted from email:
Hi there,

I still have the Kit. But the thing is that i'm in the U.K. for my school ( i have the gear with me), if you're still interested in the sale please let me know and maybe we can work something out . So drop me a line if you're up for grabs!
Thank you!

Collin Parker
Aintree Complex, Fazakerley Hospital,
Longmoor Lane, Liverpool,
Merseyside L9 7LN
Ph: 07031862589
I know. I was like oh snap. I feel like a fool cause I'm always telling people to watch their backs. Well I didn't buy anything but still just taking that first step.
Dont think so. Camera came back and was in worse shape.:ugh:

so now i am fighting with them about it. And might have a battery grip, and all my cards forsale since I might be getting the XSi:eek:
A friend of mine just got an XSi. Very nice camera, it's basically a slower 40D. Simply great.

*back on topic*
Good choice on the 40D my friend, I got the same cam, and it is simply awesome when it comes to motor sports. I personally think it's fast enough, for what I've shot so far, I mean, the only other faster canon camera is the MarkIII.
Dont think so. Camera came back and was in worse shape.:ugh:

so now i am fighting with them about it. And might have a battery grip, and all my cards forsale since I might be getting the XSi:eek:

Why are you going to the XSi? I only hate it because its SD and not really a huge upgrade from the XTi, just live view. I'd rather go for a used 30d.
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