"My First Time"

Roly D Sauce

Bent Rims and Tickets v.1
Staff member

My First time shooting someone with lighting and a backdrop.i need ALOT more work, but for being the first time ever..i think it came out pretty good. ANY c&c is accepted. thanks.




I agree. Its a little funky. Never tried anything like this. But..w.e git lots to learn
If that was your first attempt, it was a very good one :). I really like the first image. My only comment would be regarding her eyes. I would have liked her eye to be a little brighter, and I would have liked to see a little of her far eye. The second is close, it almost worked but I think the angle doesn't work for her/her outfit. It makes her look short, or like she has short legs, but it is an interesting angle. The last one is pretty solid, but the wrinkles (background and clothes) are a little distracting. Her hair also seems to be a bit too dark, maybe a little hair light would have been nice. A slight Levels and contrast adjustment would really make it pop, but that is a matter of taste.

I am trying to be constructive, by pointing out what I think could be issues. There are a lot of things that did work well. Nice bright backgrounds in the first two, and good lighting. Nice color, compositions and crops. Nothing is blown out, and there is plenty of details in the blacks.
Main subjects looks a bit underexpose.
Also looks like you drop a clarity slider a bit to much for the last one.
1st girl, 2nd pic has a big head.. 2nd girls hand looks like ashy larry
If that was your first attempt, it was a very good one :). I really like the first image. My only comment would be regarding her eyes. I would have liked her eye to be a little brighter, and I would have liked to see a little of her far eye. The second is close, it almost worked but I think the angle doesn't work for her/her outfit. It makes her look short, or like she has short legs, but it is an interesting angle. The last one is pretty solid, but the wrinkles (background and clothes) are a little distracting. Her hair also seems to be a bit too dark, maybe a little hair light would have been nice. A slight Levels and contrast adjustment would really make it pop, but that is a matter of taste.

I am trying to be constructive, by pointing out what I think could be issues. There are a lot of things that did work well. Nice bright backgrounds in the first two, and good lighting. Nice color, compositions and crops. Nothing is blown out, and there is plenty of details in the blacks.

AWESOME! just what i wanted to hear.thanks
Great, I am glad you took that the right way, I didn't want to come off as a harsh d!@K...Just trying to help :)
Good stuff Roly, especially for your first shoot.

The last one is pretty solid, but the wrinkles (background and clothes) are a little distracting.

The clothes didnt bother me but the background did, next time move her further away from the background so that it is out of focus, or get the wrinkles out which ever works best lol
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