My Cat Is An Asshole.


Okay. This is probably the most random forum to post this on, but whatever.

My cat keeps peeing on my bed. It happened after she was spayed and declawed. Anyone know how to fix it? I've changed my sheets almost everyday this week and I've resorted to covering my bed with plastic. It's pretty annoying. I'm frustrated.

Please tell me one of you had this problem and it was fixed...

aznHIGHclass said:
Okay. This is probably the most random forum to post this on, but whatever.

My cat keeps peeing on my bed. It happened after she was spayed and declawed. Anyone know how to fix it? I've changed my sheets almost everyday this week and I've resorted to covering my bed with plastic. It's pretty annoying. I'm frustrated.

Please tell me one of you had this problem and it was fixed...

dont let it get on your bed? lol
^^ She only gets on it whenever she has to pee, like it's a gigantic litter box..

I wouldn't but I work all day.
Then again, she's so ballsy that she got on my bed when I was sleeping and peed on my leg.
Ugh. I'm pissed.
Take aim, insert foot into kitty ass swiftly.

Water....a spray bottle usually gets the message across. :bigthumbu
My sisters cat used to eat our Orchids, and her boyfriends cat used to knock our expensive ass pier one dishes off the table....kitty got soaked, and I got to keep the remainder of my dishes intact. Cats hate showers.

My sisters cat shit in my bed, so I shit in her litter box, she never shit in my bed again....I think because my sister took her to the vet right after she saw the gigantor turd her cat made. :D
^^ That's what I figured. I'd be pissed if someone ripped off my toes too. I read into declawing AFTER I had it done. ..Man, I'm a dick.

Spray bottles dont work for her. Her hair is really thick. She's a little hair fortress. You can't phase it.
Declawing is some seriously fucked up shit. It's not really declawing, it's removing the fingertips of the cat. It messes with their balance, their ability to defend themselves and their hunting. Probably hurts like a bitch for a while after the operation, maybe forever if there was nerve damage. The cat may be retaliating or it might just be in pain and is pissed.

Make sure its litterbox is clean and put it closer to your bed, and water spray the fuck out of it when you catch it on your bed. Once it starts peeing in the box, slowly move the box away from the bed. If the problem persists take it to a vet, if you're paranoid also take it to the vet, thing might have an infection from the spaying.

Also, never fucking declaw a cat.
aznHIGHclass said:
^^ That's what I figured. I'd be pissed if someone ripped off my toes too. I read into declawing AFTER I had it done. ..Man, I'm a dick.

Spray bottles dont work for her. Her hair is really thick. She's a little hair fortress. You can't phase it.

Like I said....Shower + Cat + Glass doors + wand style shower head that can be taken off and moved around freely = owned ass cat that will know who runs shit. :)
aznHIGHclass said:
^^ That's what I figured. I'd be pissed if someone ripped off my toes too. I read into declawing AFTER I had it done. ..Man, I'm a dick.

Spray bottles dont work for her. Her hair is really thick. She's a little hair fortress. You can't phase it.
spray her in the face
my cat use to always get on the counter and after getting sprayed in the face a few times she stopped
its pretty simple! all you have to do is just throw the cat in the trash.

maybe you could put the cat in the bathroom with the litter box and some food till you get back from wherever yer going? ^__^
Well a few questions... how long ago did you do the declaw and spay? How old is the cat? Are there other animals in the house? Is the litter box clean or did you do something different to the litter box (different litter, etc)? After the declaw I'm sure you used the Today's Paper kitty litter stuff... did the cat use the litter box then and then started peeing when you went back to their normal litter?

Cats are VERY picky about their litter boxes. I had gotten a new box for my cat long ago and right after that she had pissed on my bed. Goodbye mattress and sheets. After that happened and bought a new bed I got one of those mattress pads that has the plastic on the underside and cushion on the top (yea, the ones for kids who pee the bed). She hasn't pee'd on the bed since, but I took the understanding to be that I changed her box on her and it didn't make her happy.

Hope your cat stops. It is annoying.
froubaby said:
Well a few questions... how long ago did you do the declaw and spay? How old is the cat? Are there other animals in the house? Is the litter box clean or did you do something different to the litter box (different litter, etc)? After the declaw I'm sure you used the Today's Paper kitty litter stuff... did the cat use the litter box then and then started peeing when you went back to their normal litter?

Cats are VERY picky about their litter boxes. I had gotten a new box for my cat long ago and right after that she had pissed on my bed. Goodbye mattress and sheets. After that happened and bought a new bed I got one of those mattress pads that has the plastic on the underside and cushion on the top (yea, the ones for kids who pee the bed). She hasn't pee'd on the bed since, but I took the understanding to be that I changed her box on her and it didn't make her happy.

Hope your cat stops. It is annoying.

yeah cats are really anal about all that crap. i forgot to change the litter box once and that cat took a huge dump on my dads pillow on his bed. but i'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say its gonna be A yer cat is having problems cause of the declawing or B something is up with the litter box. and i'm sure you'll see as people add there 2 cents that its gonna say that over and over .... it alread has so far so there you go! XP
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