My Cat Is An Asshole.

remind the cat who's in charge, who's bigger and who's ALWAYS going to win.. use a taser it works on all kinds of hairy animals..LOL
silkywilson said:
remind the cat who's in charge, who's bigger and who's ALWAYS going to win.. use a taser it works on all kinds of hairy animals..LOL
plus it makes them all floofy and puffy! hahaha! oh my word that tickles my fancy!
Hmm, maybe if you help her with the math equation, she might like you again and be more nice about not goin' on your bed and for declawing her.. lol I dunno. goodluck. If you don't want a the cat, I know a cousin who finds them a delicacy hehe jk gross.
well my cat did the same thing after we declawed her. but nothing a tug on the ear or flick(not too hard) to the top of the head wont clear up. and if all else fails let the dog play with her after she does it . nothing like a little fear to get the message across
Yeah. I had a super soaker. It didn't work. I told you. Hair fortress. Nothing gets past her.

I know declawing is mean. She's an inside cat so she doesn't have anything to fight off, besides me if she keeps peeing on my bed.

There are other animals in the house, which is a HUGE dog which I would know if she was the one on my bed peeing. I have seen the cat do it on my leg before so I know it's her.

I got her the Yesterday's News litter and she DID use it this morning, but it was mainly because I was sleeping in my bed with the plastic on it.

Close the door? So she can pee all over my parent's stuff? I'd rather not do that to my parents. That will be a much easier fix once I move into my house. Her stupid litter box will not be near my bed then.

Ugh. If I come home to pee, I'm giving her to my mom to cook her.
i was going to mention giving her to a hungry haitian family.

i say cut off all her hair then use the spray gun.



= win

ehh.. neither of you may get back on the bed though...

you can hire self-made cat trainer, she works for free diaper changes and pee ka boo sessions.

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