Miami Street Drifting.

Yeah right. Start calling people in a rainy south Florida day to see where everyone is at. I don't know about Dade, but I know a handful just off the top of my head who are still very active "behind the scenes".

Perhaps you don't hear it here because most people realize it's not something worth bragging about anymore, which is a good thing.
All im saying is that i respect they start some where but why post a video of it on youtube? But every one has to stat some where.
If my car were running i would be guilty of street slidding on my way to and from work, but i wouldnt put a video of it on the internet.
rwdrift said:
Yeah right. Start calling people in a rainy south Florida day to see where everyone is at. I don't know about Dade, but I know a handful just off the top of my head who are still very active "behind the scenes".

Perhaps you don't hear it here because most people realize it's not something worth bragging about anymore, which is a good thing.

I dont hear it. Nor do i want to. Racing tickets are not what they used to be 2 years ago.

I was speaking to alibaba today about this very subject. He agrees it was nothing like it was 4 years ago. People can barely afford events. Cause there is so many. Id rather afford a event than a ticket. Its simple. I learned the hard way but hey to each their own.

charlie a.k.a. chuck said:
All im saying is that i respect they start some where but why post a video of it on youtube? But every one has to stat some where.
If my car were running i would be guilty of street slidding on my way to and from work, but i wouldnt put a video of it on the internet.

Maybe in 2002 when nobody knew what it was. But now with the 3f3f crap and all the fanboys its just giving the scene a bad taste. Is street drifting gonna die? Never Should it be publicly posted. I think not.
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charlie a.k.a. chuck said:
I think going out in large groups to go street drifting like we used to is dead.

Thats what me and ali said. Its

1. Impossible
2. Cops would be all over us
3. If we got caught it would not be the slap on the hand it used to be
4. Not worth it.
The fact organized street sliding has died down does not mean it has ended altogether, even by "O.G."s.
rwdrift said:
Yeah right. Start calling people in a rainy south Florida day to see where everyone is at. I don't know about Dade, but I know a handful just off the top of my head who are still very active "behind the scenes".

Perhaps you don't hear it here because most people realize it's not something worth bragging about anymore, which is a good thing.

And because we realized riding around in packs attracts quite a bit more attention!

But yeah I have my spots - all drift and dip - but they get visits from me here and there. :cool:
You know i see a pattern here .. i used to be really into the street racing scene.. and im still real young.. i was going out to race every nite and all the old school racers would say the same .." i still on occasion race but im not proud of street racing".. i got into drifting 3 years ago and just really started driving maybe a year ago.. and i see the same i did when i liked street racing.. the people who had been in it for a while are not proud of the street scene but still do it on occasion ... its always going to happen we are a new generation ... we have to learn the hard stubborn way .. get tickets etc. ... and well some are just dummer than others ... yeah i post vids of me sliding ... this year as well .. and i dont consider myself a fanboy... and till this day i get called up to go slide and i have tires .. im there ... u gotta understand ... no offense .. but u guys are gettin old lol .. and all im saying people will do as they want ... so threads like these are a waste.. ur just giving them the publicity they wanted by positng there video.
rwdrift said:
Yeah f*cking right. Back in the day it was the biggest free for all of life.
Let me not even start with half the times people would just go on the streets of Broward/Dade sliding around in intersections like it was all good. Every single "O.G." here is guilty of a lot of that.

;) bwop.

I agree things have changed. I know its only been about 2-3 years ago, but a lot of the things we did were really wreckless.

Drifting with 40+ spectators out on Okeechobee? those days are dead and gone. Definitely.

But nowadays us OG are smart enough to not be public about what we do on the street, unlike those kids in those vids.
eNtRy SpEeD said:
;) bwop.

I agree things have changed. I know its only been about 2-3 years ago, but a lot of the things we did were really wreckless.

Drifting with 40+ spectators out on Okeechobee? those days are dead and gone. Definitely.

But nowadays us OG are smart enough to not be public about what we do on the street, unlike those kids in those vids.
Not all the ogs.
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Why would OG's be ashamed of the very factor that made them OG's now. Yea it was stupid but some of the best come from mother asphalt (the streets) herself. At the end of the day its up to which consequence you want to risk.
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