me and the fiance are done son!

i know josh was kidding he's my bff haha.

and i really hope my post wont start drama between other members.

sorry rea.
ryan, you know its fine. and i know he is your boy. i just wish people wouldn't bash others on here over personal relationship issues. it is retarded. keep it to pms and people wouldn't get so annoyed with the nonsense. but i do understand your venting. everyone does have that right, as well as free speech. thats why i laugh at the ignorant and keep living my life happy and on my own. no need for douchebags to be around.
damn dude must of just not ment to b u kno?..if she reallllly loved u she wouldnt of cared about the future and jus let things roll...but hey man theres a big sea out there ;)
I got dumped after I proposed to one ho. I was a very depressed little man for a while. But then I started drifting more, met lots of new people, and eventually met another heart breaker. OK, no good moral to that story. This is what keeps me happy though (ignore the vid, enjoy the song):
One of the worst things you can do is to get married young. I was married at 23, divorced at 25 (she was 20 when we got married). Just wait till your late 20s if you really wanna get married.

Also, I have found out that girl between the ages of 19-24 just want to party and not settle down (from my exhaustive research), so go higher if you want something more stable.
DrumFunKen said:
One of the worst things you can Do is trust a female fully period. Always have a doubt just to keep yourself in check.

Oh man you don't have to tell me. I ALMOST can't believe that after all these years its still the same games, lies, drama, bs, ect. Problem with females is they are ALL insecure. The ones that say they are not insecure are more than likely the most insecure. I used to be such a "nice guy" when it came to females. Fuck that shit.
Tonymac said:
Oh man you don't have to tell me. I ALMOST can't believe that after all these years its still the same games, lies, drama, bs, ect. Problem with females is they are ALL insecure. The ones that say they are not insecure are more than likely the most insecure. I used to be such a "nice guy" when it came to females. Fuck that shit.

yes definitely have had better luck with those who know they are insecure, instead of those acting like they are hot shit all the time.

I'm still a nice guy. I spoil my migoto alot, but she's a rare one. But I understand how you feel. Its hard to be nice when you've been pissed on by females most your life.
Yeah I'm just talking shit. Whenever I date again, I'm sure I'll be nice. Currently I'm a tad bitter however. :D
Tonymac said:
Oh man you don't have to tell me. I ALMOST can't believe that after all these years its still the same games, lies, drama, bs, ect. Problem with females is they are ALL insecure. The ones that say they are not insecure are more than likely the most insecure. I used to be such a "nice guy" when it came to females. Fuck that shit.

Generally speaking, females don't like 'nice guys' because 'nice guys' don't scream confidence, which is what females are attracted to. Sometimes, 'nice guys' have to turn to being nice because they themselves are insecure with other methods of attracting a female, such as appearance or brainpower. But some just think that is what females want, which it is, but not exactly in a sense they think. And it's not to say any of the above apply to you. I'm speaking in general terms.

So then the solution is to treat females like assholes and you win? No. There is a difference between confidence and cockiness. A confident man knows what he wants, takes charge and goes after it, appearing to females as strong and assertive, two attractive traits that worked for reproduction since the beginning of time. A cocky asshole is cocky because he's an asshole. No win there.

To say ALL females are insecure is much like me saying ALL men are insecure.

Don't mistake this as me going into a male vs. female debate with you, because I'm not. I'm interested in how men view females and vice versa. I can understand why some think females are crazy ass bitches. Sometimes it's actually true! Go figure. :laugh: :bigthumbu
I know how to attract girls for a hookup - cocky and funny. I'm not really about that and I've only ever acted that way during times of desperation. I literally make fun of girls to start a conversation and it works like a fucking charm. I'm talking more along the lines of long term relationships. My experiences have been relatively the same. That is, everything starts off good and dandy. I leave the cockiness behind and become nicer and more generous - not in a fake way (I think). IDK - according to my closer friends, I have a bad habit of trying to fix everything - relationships that obviously don't work included.

Oh and I think pretty much everybody is insecure. Since there's no quantifiable way to figure out who's worse (men or women), I can't prove it, but generally speaking I'd have to say females are worse. Men can get worse however, especially when our 13-year old boy inside (aka - our egos) gets beaten to a pulp.
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Hahaha, I agree. Females are worse if we try to quantify insecurities in some way. It's also true that since humanity started, females were revered for appearance much more than men were. To be female is to be as beautiful as you can be. Our mothers did it, their mothers did it, and so on. It's where these insecurities in some females sprung from. Young girls wear pretty flower dresses and braid their hair. Why? Cause it's pretty. Females are conditioned to these insecurities their whole life. I wish humanity would take on the bird mating approach, where the male gets to be pretty and colorful and the female takes a damn break for a second. I love looking like a slob every once in a while. Haha.
Its the lying and sneakiness that get to me the most. I can deal with bitchy, needy, jealous, or anything else you can throw at me - but not lies. I think I actually like the bitchy, commanding girls over the traditional delicate, passive girls. No, I'm sure I do. I'd much rather have a girl that can "hang" with the guys while not trying to BE one of the guys. Does that make sense? An example would be a girl that could coexist at a drift event but still get did up for our date (that's not a typo btw - i'm using urban street talk). I like to think I'm the guy version of that. I'm totally digressing but fwiw, from my perspective I wouldn't mind being a peacock. I'd just feel bad for all the other male peacocks.
Tonymac said:
Its the lying and sneakiness that get to me the most. I can deal with bitchy, needy, jealous, or anything else you can throw at me - but not lies. I think I actually like the bitchy, commanding girls over the traditional delicate, passive girls. No, I'm sure I do. I'd much rather have a girl that can "hang" with the guys while not trying to BE one of the guys. Does that make sense? An example would be a girl that could coexist at a drift event but still get did up for our date


i've gone out with so many chicks that say they are totally comfortable around guys and can hang with us when we do car stuff or go drinking...

then i take her out drifting, drinking or just ask her to help you change your oil, and she freaks out because shes gonna get dirty or hurt...or ends up wanting to go home because "your friends are being assholes and are all drunk."
Tonymac said:
Its the lying and sneakiness that get to me the most. I can deal with bitchy, needy, jealous, or anything else you can throw at me - but not lies. I think I actually like the bitchy, commanding girls over the traditional delicate, passive girls. No, I'm sure I do. I'd much rather have a girl that can "hang" with the guys while not trying to BE one of the guys. Does that make sense? An example would be a girl that could coexist at a drift event but still get did up for our date (that's not a typo btw - i'm using urban street talk). I like to think I'm the guy version of that. I'm totally digressing but fwiw, from my perspective I wouldn't mind being a peacock. I'd just feel bad for all the other male peacocks.

You're totally on point. I feel the same way. I'd rather take the cocky asshole if he's honest than the nice confident liar. I always liked the excuses such as "I lied cause I didn't want to make you mad." I'm always like yeah, thanks captain obvious, telling me what I already know doesn't make me feel better, since that's the very essence of the argument. Also, once someone lies, it's like a double whammy. Not only do you have to deal with the thing they lied about, but you also have to deal with the fact that they lied about it. Why not just eliminate one and take the extra arguing/bickering out? So much less time consuming, in my opinion. But then again, I'm sick as far as honesty goes. I will say anything and everything, so long as it's the truth. You may hurt the person at the present time, but in the long run you'll win loads of respect.
Damn my post was all over the place. I was a little tipsy haha.

I am the exact same way though. An ex of mine used to call me Honest Abe but meant it as more of an asteism. I take pride in not lying to my SO's. To me lying is even more of a triple whammy because lies also have a snowball effect. On both ends. Liars tend to increase their lying after getting caught (why, idk - you'd think they'd learn) while the ones being lied to have an increasingly difficult time trusting. Bah, I'm so bitter right now.
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