March 4th Drift Session

So earlier I said that I had plenty that I wanted to say

So here it goes:

I haven't been the same since my wreck.
I haven't been able to commit to ANYTHING regarding a corner, a wall, or anything since that devastating day. I've always been pretty good at playing it off like it didn't phase me. Now I'm not saying I haven't been having fun, Because I def have! I'm just saying that I haven't been driving as recklessly and as awesome as I used to. Although I have never been a pro, or on any type of pro level...before the only reason I would spin out was because I was pushing myself to enter faster/earlier or gnarlier. Now, I have been spinning out cus i'm fucking scared.
It's been a couple of chassis since my wreck, and a few issues that needed to get sorted out, and still a couple of minor issues (allignment (real bad) and tie rods) which sadly didn't get taken care of before this Sunday's event.

First off, I'd like to thank Tim for letting me run both classes because I was leaving super early =(. I hot lapped the car the entire day, which allowed for better drive-ability. (It also lead to destroying 2nd gear and overheating hahahaha) I'd also like to thank All of the staff, Rodd, Bladder, Rob Fleming (guest staffer I guess?) and everyone else who helps run these events, without u guys, I would be very sad.

The rain sucked for me, because I've never had such a heavy car with so much power. But, thanks to the drivers who I know are on a different level, Bert, Bill, Jerry, etc... Tandeming with u guys REALLY pushed me to progress throughout the day. I thank you for that opportunity, especially Bert! The back to back tandems got me super hyped and pushed me to keep up =).

Media: U guys are awesome. I am positive I can speak for 90% of the drivers, when we see you guys standing in the middle moving closer towards us with that big ass lense...we get pumped. I know I do, and the 10% that say they don't get pumped are lying, and they also have small penises.

Everyone who came to spectate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Our events would be super boring if it wasn't for you guys. From the random people I've met giving ride alongs, to the random people laughing as I come out of a spin out, I love every single person who comes to support drifting. I don't care if I'm getting laughed at, or laughed with...I'm having a blast and I hope u guys are too!

Finally..last but most DEF not least...
I would like to thank every one of my boys. Everyone that came out to watch, and everyone that came out to drive...and everyone that hyped me up as i was driving. I fucking love every last fucking one of u.
And not to mention everyone that worked on my car, and spend 2 hours raising my car to get it on the fucking trailer at 1 AM the night before the event.

I'm all smiles this week. I am SO EXCITED that I progressed that much in one day, and I cannot wait until the next big track, or the next opportunity to hang out with everyone again. If these events are 4 times a year, without a doubt...these are the four times of the year I truly look fwd to drifting.
good job sir,,,,,,,next time me and u are tandem,,,lol,,,,just kitting,,,,im in the same progress with this new thing rhd drifting,,,,,:driving:
haha ahmeedootie funny ass dude. was nice meeting you, kool dood. i was the red head kid with the s14 ahhaah. was cool meeting ur homie dayron too. nice people!!
So earlier I said that I had plenty that I wanted to say

So here it goes:

I haven't been the same since my wreck.
I haven't been able to commit to ANYTHING regarding a corner, a wall, or anything since that devastating day. I've always been pretty good at playing it off like it didn't phase me. Now I'm not saying I haven't been having fun, Because I def have! I'm just saying that I haven't been driving as recklessly and as awesome as I used to. Although I have never been a pro, or on any type of pro level...before the only reason I would spin out was because I was pushing myself to enter faster/earlier or gnarlier. Now, I have been spinning out cus i'm fucking scared.
It's been a couple of chassis since my wreck, and a few issues that needed to get sorted out, and still a couple of minor issues (allignment (real bad) and tie rods) which sadly didn't get taken care of before this Sunday's event.

First off, I'd like to thank Tim for letting me run both classes because I was leaving super early =(. I hot lapped the car the entire day, which allowed for better drive-ability. (It also lead to destroying 2nd gear and overheating hahahaha) I'd also like to thank All of the staff, Rodd, Bladder, Rob Fleming (guest staffer I guess?) and everyone else who helps run these events, without u guys, I would be very sad.

The rain sucked for me, because I've never had such a heavy car with so much power. But, thanks to the drivers who I know are on a different level, Bert, Bill, Jerry, etc... Tandeming with u guys REALLY pushed me to progress throughout the day. I thank you for that opportunity, especially Bert! The back to back tandems got me super hyped and pushed me to keep up =).

Media: U guys are awesome. I am positive I can speak for 90% of the drivers, when we see you guys standing in the middle moving closer towards us with that big ass lense...we get pumped. I know I do, and the 10% that say they don't get pumped are lying, and they also have small penises.

Everyone who came to spectate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Our events would be super boring if it wasn't for you guys. From the random people I've met giving ride alongs, to the random people laughing as I come out of a spin out, I love every single person who comes to support drifting. I don't care if I'm getting laughed at, or laughed with...I'm having a blast and I hope u guys are too!

Finally..last but most DEF not least...
I would like to thank every one of my boys. Everyone that came out to watch, and everyone that came out to drive...and everyone that hyped me up as i was driving. I fucking love every last fucking one of u.
And not to mention everyone that worked on my car, and spend 2 hours raising my car to get it on the fucking trailer at 1 AM the night before the event.

I'm all smiles this week. I am SO EXCITED that I progressed that much in one day, and I cannot wait until the next big track, or the next opportunity to hang out with everyone again. If these events are 4 times a year, without a doubt...these are the four times of the year I truly look fwd to drifting.

You forgot to say you cut me (missing panels 2tone 86) off in the line, I'm jk lol ;). You're a super nice guy and I enjoyed seeing your runs, I would have to say you are the definition of "keep drifting fun."

P.S. Now I want to tandem w/ everyone too, I'm addicted :D.
So earlier I said that I had plenty that I wanted to say

So here it goes:

I haven't been the same since my wreck.
I haven't been able to commit to ANYTHING regarding a corner, a wall, or anything since that devastating day. I've always been pretty good at playing it off like it didn't phase me. Now I'm not saying I haven't been having fun, Because I def have! I'm just saying that I haven't been driving as recklessly and as awesome as I used to. Although I have never been a pro, or on any type of pro level...before the only reason I would spin out was because I was pushing myself to enter faster/earlier or gnarlier. Now, I have been spinning out cus i'm fucking scared.
It's been a couple of chassis since my wreck, and a few issues that needed to get sorted out, and still a couple of minor issues (allignment (real bad) and tie rods) which sadly didn't get taken care of before this Sunday's event.

First off, I'd like to thank Tim for letting me run both classes because I was leaving super early =(. I hot lapped the car the entire day, which allowed for better drive-ability. (It also lead to destroying 2nd gear and overheating hahahaha) I'd also like to thank All of the staff, Rodd, Bladder, Rob Fleming (guest staffer I guess?) and everyone else who helps run these events, without u guys, I would be very sad.

anytime sir... Still think you should put the LSD back in and toss the welded............
I don't think the welded is a problem. every car I've owned has had a vlsd or a welded, and I always loved the welded so much more.
I think currently my alignment is my major issue. SO much to the point where my fronts are all types of fucked up, and they were brand new before the event.
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